
18 records found

Code smells are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices that may hinder code comprehensibility and maintainability. Despite the effort devoted by the research community in studying code smells, the extent to which code smells in software systems affect software maintai ...
Modeling the power profile of mobile applications is a crucial activity to identify the causes behind energy leaks. To this aim, researchers have proposed hardware-based tools as well as model-based and software-based techniques to approximate the actual energy profile. However, ...


A Software-Based Tool for Estimating the Energy Profile of Android Applications

Energy efficiency is a vital characteristic of any mobile application, and indeed is becoming an important factor for user satisfaction. For this reason, in recent years several approaches and tools for measuring the energy consumption of mobile devices have been proposed. Hardwa ...

Test-Driven Code Review

An Empirical Study

Test-Driven Code Review (TDR) is a code review practice in which a reviewer inspects a patch by examining the changed test code before the changed production code. Although this practice has been mentioned positively by practitioners in informal literature and interviews, there i ...
Predicting the areas of the source code having a higher likelihood to change in the future is a crucial activity to allow developers to plan preventive maintenance operations such as refactoring or peer-code reviews. In the past the research community was active in devising chang ...

Not all bugs are the same

Understanding, characterizing, and classifying bug types

Modern version control systems, e.g., GitHub, include bug tracking mechanisms that developers can use to highlight the presence of bugs. This is done by means of bug reports, i.e., textual descriptions reporting the problem and the steps that led to a failure. In past and recent ...

The Scent of a Smell

An Extensive Comparison between Textual and Structural Smells

Code smells are symptoms of poor design or implementation choices that have a negative effect on several aspects of software maintenance and evolution, such as program comprehension or change- and fault-proneness. This is why researchers have spent a lot of effort on devising met ...

Automatic Test Case Generation

What If Test Code Quality Matters?

Test case generation tools that optimize code coverage have been extensively investigated. Recently, researchers have suggested to add other non-coverage criteria, such as mem- ory consumption or readability, to increase the practical use- fulness of generated tests. In this pape ...

Mining File Histories

Should we consider branches?

Modern distributed version control systems, such as Git, offer support for branching — the possibility to develop parts of software outside the master trunk. Consideration of the repository structure in Mining Software Repository (MSR) studies requires a thorough approach to mini ...
Code smells are symptoms of poor design solutions applied by programmers during the development of software systems. While the research community devoted a lot of effort to studying and devising approaches for detecting the traditional code smells defined by Fowler, little knowl ...
Bug prediction is aimed at identifying software artifacts that are more likely to be defective in the future. Most approaches defined so far target the prediction of bugs at class/file level. Nevertheless, past research has provided evidence that this granularity is too coarse-gr ...

Healthcare Android apps

A tale of the customers’ perspective

Healthcare mobile apps are becoming a reality for users interested in keeping their daily activities under control. In the last years, several researchers have investigated the effect of healthcare mobile apps on the life of their users as well as the positive/negative impact the ...

Healthcare Android apps

A tale of the customers’ perspective

Healthcare mobile apps are becoming a reality for users interested in keeping their daily activities under control. In the last years, several researchers have investigated the effect of healthcare mobile apps on the life of their users as well as the positive/negative impact the ...
Contemporary code review is a widespread practice used by software engineers to maintain high software quality and share project knowledge. However, conducting proper code review takes time and developers often have limited time for review. In this paper, we aim at investigating ...
Defect prediction models focus on identifying defect-prone code elements, for example to allow practitioners to allocate testing resources on specific subsystems and to provide assistance during code reviews. While the research community has been highly active in proposing metric ...
Bug prediction is aimed at supporting developers in the identification of code artifacts more likely to be defective. Researchers have proposed prediction models to identify bug prone methods and provided promising evidence that it is possible to operate at this level of granular ...
Continuous changes applied during software maintenance risk to deteriorate the structure of a system and are a threat to its maintainability. In this context, predicting the portions of source code where specific maintenance operations should be focused on may be crucial for deve ...
“There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.” - [M. Scott Peck] The open-source phenomenon has reached the point in which it is virtually impossible to find large a ...


2 records found

Code smells are patterns in programming code which indicate potential issues with software quality. Previous research resulted in the development of code smell detectors: automated tools which traverse through large quantities of code and return smell detections to software devel ...
Software testing is widely recognised as a crucial activity for the development of modern software systems, since it points out defects and errors that were made during the development. Testing also improves the reliability and consistency of an application. However, testing be ...