
7 records found

Sentiment overflow in the testing stack

Analyzing software testing posts on Stack Overflow

Software testing is an integral part of modern software engineering practice. Past research has not only underlined its significance, but also revealed its multi-faceted nature. The practice of software testing and its adoption is influenced by many factors that go beyond tools o ...


An Interactive Assistant to Stimulate Test Engineering

Software testing is one of the most important aspects of modern software development. To ensure the quality of the software, developers should ideally write and execute automated tests regularly as their code-base evolves. TestKnight, a plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA integrated dev ...

Developer Testing in The IDE

Patterns, Beliefs, And Behavior

Software testing is one of the key activities to achieve software quality in practice. Despite its importance, however, we have a remarkable lack of knowledge on how developers test in real-world projects. In this paper, we report on a large-scale field study with 2,443 software ...

Beyond Technical Aspects

How Do Community Smells Influence the Intensity of Code Smells?

Code smells are poor implementation choices applied by developers during software evolution that often lead to critical flaws or failure. Much in the same way, community smells reflect the presence of organizational and socio-Technical issues within a software community that may ...

Revisiting the debate

Are code metrics useful for measuring maintenance effort?

Evaluating and predicting software maintenance effort using source code metrics is one of the holy grails of software engineering. Unfortunately, previous research has provided contradictory evidence in this regard. The debate is still open: as a community we are not certain abou ...

Developer-centric test amplification

The interplay between automatic generation human exploration

Automatically generating test cases for software has been an active research topic for many years. While current tools can generate powerful regression or crash-reproducing test cases, these are often kept separately from the maintained test suite. In this paper, we leverage the ...
One of the main challenges that developers face when testing their systems lies in engineering test cases that are good enough to reveal bugs. And while our body of knowledge on software testing and automated test case generation is already quite significant, in practice, develop ...


13 records found

String translations

Web application for app translations

bunq is an internationally active digital bank. At the moment, the bunq app is only available in English, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish. Their goal is to be a worldwide player. To be able to fulfil this goal, their app should be available in multiple languages. In the past, ...

The Effect of “Good First Issue” Indicators upon Newcomer Developers

Identifying Improvements for Newcomer Task Recommendation

The recommendation of tasks for newcomers within a software project throughgood first issues is being done within the domain of software development, such as onGithubplatform. These issues aim to help newcomers identify tasks that are suitablefor them and their level of expertis ...

Exploration of the code review process:

Can a code review checklist improve the process?

In the software engineering field the code review process has been widely adopted as a quality control, in the current day code reviews have also multiple additional advantages. In this research we explored how the code review process is used at Greenchoice, a Dutch energy suppli ...

It's time for some Alexercise

A comparison between reflection capabilities of activity trackers and intelligent personal assistants

Recently published health reports from governments of western countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide insights on health benefits of being physically active. Performing physical activity of moderate intensity is, amongst others, associated with a smaller risk on ...

Developer-Friendly Test Cases

Detection and Removalof Unnecessary Casts

Test-cube is a tool that focuses on developer-friendly test amplification. Test amplification is a technique to improve a test suite by generating new tests based on manually written ones. Currently, these generated tests contain much redundant casting. Our study aimed to improve ...

Topic Analysis on Popular Software Testing Books

Mining Software Testing Knowledge

In this study, we try to understand what kind of topics and frameworks are covered by the popular software testing books, and see whether these topics satisfy the industry needs and address the rising trends. To define "popular" software testing books, we formulated three heurist ...

A test suite for quantum network applications

Quantifying an application's ability to benchmark a quantum network

Quantum networks provide numerous potential benefits over classical networks, such as enhanced security and faster computation, making their further development a lucrative prospect. As is the case with any technology, the advancement of quantum networks relies on the development ...

Augmenting Program Synthesis with Large Language Models

Incorporating Natural Language Understanding for Efficient Program Synthesis

This research introduces a Language Model Augmented Program Synthesis (LMAPS) workflow to enhance traditional Programming by Example (PBE). PBE is a method to automatically generate a program that satisfies a specification that consists of a set of input-output examples. These pr ...

Gamification of a Static Analysis Tool

A brief look into developer motivation

Software development is more than only implementing the functional code. A developer is also responsible for writing code measuring up to certain standards and conventions. These conventions make sure that the code is of a particular quality that improves readability and eases ma ...

Navigating Through Digital Printing Systems

The Use of a Domain-Specific Language for Route Finding in Digital Printing Systems

Digital printing systems allow for the production of a large variety of different products. Making production plans for all these different products is challenging. One of the challenging aspects of making these production plans is choosing the right sequence of machines, to prod ...

A test suite for quantum networks

Assessing an application’s effectiveness as a benchmark for quantum networks

In the development of any new technology, it is essential to have methods to assess the quality of a system, to compare different systems to one another, and to compare different versions of the same system, to see if changes to the system can actually be classified as improvemen ...

Laying the foundation for building a Quantum Networking Benchmark suite using Quantum Network Applications

Evaluating the inclusion of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt game quantum network application

The rapid advancement of Quantum Network architectures necessitates a comprehensive and quantitative comparison to assess their effectiveness and performance. Unfortunately, there does not exist an implemented quantum network benchmark suite capable of determining the superior ar ...

Comparing Spreadsheets

A New Strategy for Analysis, Detection and Aggregation of Spreadsheet Differences

Comparing spreadsheet files is a new, unexplored research domain in computer science. Methods for regular file comparison are not straightforwardly applicable to spreadsheet files, because they are fundamentally different. Spreadsheets are binary files, the structure of spreadshe ...