Marco Aurélio

11 records found


Projects on GitHub rely on the automation provided by software development bots. Nevertheless, the presence of bots can be annoying and disruptive to the community. Backed by multiple studies with practitioners, this article provides guidelines for developing and maintaining s ...


An Approach to Detect Software Bots in GitHub

Bots have become popular in software projects as they play critical roles, from running tests to fixing bugs/vulnerabilities. However, the large number of software bots adds extra effort to practitioners and researchers to distinguish human accounts from bot accounts to avoid ...

Bots for Pull Requests

The Good, the Bad, and the Promising

Software bots automate tasks within Open Source Software (OSS) projects’ pull requests and save reviewing time and effort (“the good”). However, their interactions can be disruptive and noisy and lead to information overload (“the bad”). To identify strategies to overcome such pr ...
Software bots are becoming increasingly popular in software engineering (SE). In this tutorial, we define what a bot is and present several examples. We also discuss the many benefits bots provide to the SE community, including helping in development tasks (such as pull request r ...

Quality Gatekeepers

Investigating the Effects of Code Review Bots on Pull Request Activities

Software bots have been facilitating several development activities
in Open Source Software (OSS) projects, including code review. However,
these bots may bring unexpected impacts to group dynamics, as frequently
occurs with new technology adoption. Understanding and ...
Software developers, including those of the Android mobile platform, constantly seek to improve their applications’ maintainability and evolvability. Code smells are commonly used for this purpose, as they indicate symptoms of design problems. However, although the literature pre ...
Many developers rely on modern news aggregator sites such as reddit and hn to stay up to date with the latest technological developments and trends. In order to understand what motivates developers to contribute, what kind of content is shared, and how knowledge is shaped by the ...
Previous studies have shown the negative effects that low-quality code can have on maintainability proxies, such as code change- and defect-proneness. One of the symptoms for low-quality code are code smells, defined as sub-optimal implementation choices. While this definition is ...
Past researchs have been trying to recommend artifacts that are likely to change together in a task to assist developers in making changes to a software system, often using techniques like association rules. Association rules learning is a data mining technique that has been freq ...
Code smells are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices that may hinder code comprehension, and possibly increase change-and defect-proneness. A vast catalogue of smells has been defined in the literature, and it includes smells that can be found in any kind of system ...
Code metric analysis is a well-known approach for assessing the quality of a software system. However, current tools and techniques do not take the system architecture (e.g., MVC, Android) into account. This means that all classes are assessed similarly, regardless of their speci ...