S. Roos
18 records found
Extras and Premiums
Local PCN Routing with Redundancy and Fees
Payment channel networks (PCNs) are a promising solution to the blockchain scalability problem. In PCNs, a sender can route a multi-hop payment to a receiver via intermediaries. Yet, Lightning, the only prominent payment channel network, has two major issues when it comes to mult
Get Me Out of This Payment! Bailout
An HTLC Re-routing Protocol
The Lightning Network provides almost-instant payments to its parties. In addition to direct payments requiring a shared payment channel, parties can pay each other in the form of multi-hop payments via existing channels. Such multi-hop payments rely on a 2-phase commit protocol
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are increasingly adopted by the industry to synthesize realistic images using competing generator and discriminator neural networks. Due to data not being centrally available, Multi-Discriminator (MD)-GANs training frameworks employ multiple
Maverick Matters
Client Contribution and Selection in Federated Learning
Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative learning between parties, called clients, without sharing the original and potentially sensitive data. To ensure fast convergence in the presence of such heterogeneous clients, it is imperative to timely select clients who can effecti
Fabricated Flips
Poisoning Federated Learning without Data
Attacks on Federated Learning (FL) can severely reduce the quality of the generated models and limit the usefulness of this emerging learning paradigm that enables on-premise decentralized learning. However, existing untargeted attacks are not practical for many scenarios as they
Catalyzed by the popularity of blockchain technology, there has recently been a renewed interest in the design, implementation and evaluation of decentralized systems. Most of these systems are intended to be deployed at scale and in heterogeneous environments with real users and
Payment channel networks (PCNs) enhance the scalability of
block-chains by allowing parties to conduct transactions off-chain, i.e,
without broadcasting every transaction to all blockchain participants.
To conduct transactions, a sender and a receiver can either establish a
Due to its high efficiency, routing based on greedy embeddings of rooted spanning trees is a promising approach for dynamic, large-scale networks with restricted topologies. Friend-to-friend (F2F) overlays, one key application of embedding-based routing, aim to prevent disclosure
Lightning, the prevailing solution to Bitcoin's scalability issue, uses onion routing to hide senders and recipients of payments. Yet, the path between the sender and the recipient along which payments are routed is selected such that it is short, cost efficient, and fast. The lo
Payment channel networks (PCN) enable scalable blockchain transactions without fundamentally changing the underlying distributed ledger algorithm. However, routing a payment via multiple channels in a PCN requires locking collateral for potentially long periods of time. Adversari
Routing based on greedy network embeddings enables efficient and privacypreserving routing in overlays where connectivity is restricted to mutually trusted nodes. In previous works, we proposed security enhancements to the embedding and routing procedures to protect against denia
The Merchant
Avoiding Payment Channel Depletion through Incentives
Payment channels networks drastically increase the throughput and hence scalability of blockchains by performing transactions off-chain. Hence, they are a promising substrate for all decentralized applications that require instant payments. In an off-chain payment, parties deposi
Blockchains have the potential to revolutionize markets andservices. However, they currently exhibit high latencies and fail to handletransaction loads comparable to those managed by traditional financialsystems.Layer-twoprotocols, built on top of (layer-one) blockchains,av
Payment channel networks like Bitcoin’s Lightning network are an auspicious approach for realizing high transaction throughput and almost-instant confirmations in blockchain networks. However, the ability to successfully conduct payments in such networks relies on the willingness
Greedy embeddings on rooted spanning trees are the most promising solution to provide sufficiently scalable routing in dynamic networks with restricted topologies, for instance friend-to-friend overlays such as the Dark Freenet and payment channel networks such as Lightning. Yet,
Current leader election algorithms fail in the presence of Sybil attacks, i.e., one malicious entity inserting many nodes, network dynamics, and restricted knowledge about the graph. However, social overlay networks, i.e., peer-to-peer networks with links corresponding to soci
Federated Learning is an emerging distributed collaborative learning paradigm adopted by many of today's applications, e.g., keyboard prediction and object recognition. Its core principle is to learn from large amount of users data while preserving data privacy by design as colla
Nodes in route-restricted overlays have an im-mutable set of neighbors, explicitly specified by their users. Pop-ular examples include payment networks such as the Lightningnetwork as well as social overlays such as the Dark Freenet.Routing algorithms are central to such overlays