Muhammad Indra Al Irsyad
32 records found
Indonesia has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2060, with emphasis on the electricity sector eliminating harmful gas emissions by that year. Using the Balmorel energy model, this study simulated the impact of the target on optimal capacity expansion, electricity produ
Indonesia has large renewable energy resources that are not always located in regions where they are needed. Sub-sea power transmission cables, or island links, could connect Indonesia's high-demand islands, like Java, to large-resource islands. However, the role of island links
Indonesia has large renewable energy resources that are not always located in regions where they are needed. Sub-sea power transmission cables, or island links, could connect Indonesia's high-demand islands, like Java, to large-resource islands. However, the role of island links
Generating hydrogen from renewable energy sources is widely recognized as an effective strategy for addressing critical challenges in the energy sector while contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to assess the wind energy potential for electri
As archipelagic countries, Japan and Indonesia's electricity transmission and distribution infrastructures are island-specific. They have limited network areas and face similar risks caused by climate change. Energy conservation through technical approaches to improve energy effi
The vision of achieving Net Zero Emissions introduces a sense of uncertainty within the oil and gas industry. Several studies have reviewed the potential contributions of the oil and gas industry to the NZE vision. However, these studies have overlooked the intricate dynamics bet
A long-term electricity demand forecasting on the West Kalimantan electricity system using the Simple-E program (from Japan) has been researched, with the study period of 2021 - 2050. Projection of electricity demand growth is conducted by using 3 scenarios, namely: Basic Scenari
Comprehensive assessment using preheat crude palm oil on endurance test engine diesel
Technical and supply chain scheme
Burdened by oil imports and subsidies for more than 5000 diesel power plants, Indonesia aims to use crude palm oil (CPO) as fuel in the power plants. Previous studies only focused on the technical feasibility of using CPO. Therefore, this study aimed to enrich the existing litera
The vision of achieving Net Zero Emissions introduces a sense of uncertainty within the oil and gas industry. Several studies have reviewed the potential contributions of the oil and gas industry to the NZE vision. However, these studies have overlooked the intricate dynamics bet
Challenges in Adopting Successful Waste-to-Energy Policies in EU Countries
Indonesia study case
The waste problem is a homework for all countries, especially high-populated developing countries like Indonesia. The country is predicted to be the fifth largest waste generating country, with most of its waste still going to the landfill. Our study aims to review policy challen
Model design of geothermal development plan in conservation forest
A case study in Mount Ciremai National Park
In 2019, Indonesia has installed about 2.13 GW of geothermal and made it the second largest country utilizing geothermal. However, the capacity is less than 10% of the total potential and far from the target of 9.3 GW in 2030. A challenge in geothermal development is the environm
Indonesia was once one of the main players in incandescent lamp markets. However, Indonesian lighting manufacturers cannot compete with cheaper imported compacted fluorescent (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) lamps; consequently, their market share has significantly reduced. F
Assessing the progress of lectures ensures the involvement of lectures in the exercise of science dissemination by research, education, and community service. That job affects the performance of lecturers at universities throughout the country. The performance of lecturers is eva
Most countries mitigate climate alter impacts by deploying renewable energy to decarbonize their energy system. One of the emerging renewable energy options is the integration of floating photovoltaic (FPV) and hydropower. The FPV has higher efficiency and helps to reduce evapora
Several developing countries have attempted to reduce liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) imports and subsidies by shifting from the use of LPG to electric stoves. In Indonesia, the LPG subsidy reached US$ 4.9 billion and LPG imports increased to 6.3 million tonnes in 2021. Our study a
The government commits to reduce emissions in the energy sector by using new and renewable energy by targeting the development of geothermal power plants (GPP) of 7,241.5 MW in 2025. Approximately 58% of geothermal potential is in forest areas with a carbon absorption function. T
Financing of Energy Efficiency in Public Goods
The Case of Street Lighting Systems in Indonesia
Energy demand growth in Asian countries is predicted to be the highest in the world. One of the drivers of energy demand growth is urbanization. Along with growing urban areas, public infrastructure, such as streetlights, is also expanding. Unfortunately, energy conservation meas
Smart cities offer an opportunity to households to use low-carbon electricity from rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV). The capacity of rooftop solar PV has been growing rapidly in a developed country, especially Australia that has a capacity of 8 GWp in 2018. Developing countries al
Indonesia has a target of achieving 23% of renewable energy share in the total energy mix in 2025. However, Indonesia does not have accurate and comprehensive data on renewable energy potentials, especially wind energy. This article aims to assess the theoretical potential of win
In 2020, Indonesia Government through the Ministerial Regulation of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 12 Year 2015 obligates the use of 30% biodiesel mixed diesel fuel (B30) for various sectors including the power generation sector. The obligation potentially affects the performan