T.M. Hessels
13 records found
Accurate evaluation of water resource systems is essential for informed planning and decision-making. Evapotranspiration (ET), a key component of water resource management, is often estimated using remote sensing techniques; however, such estimates can be subject to significant u
Scarce water resources present a major hindrance to ensuring food security. Crop water productivity (WP), embraced as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is playing an integral role in the performance-based evaluation of agricultural systems and securing sustainable
Water and productivity accounting using WA+ framework for sustainable water resources management
Case study of northwestern Iran
An exhaustive evaluation of water resources is a prerequisite for evidence-informed planning and implementing sustainable management strategies. However, the lack of sufficient information on water supply and consumption, alongside the technical limitations on comprehensive accou
This study explores recent changes in evaporative demand and water availability across 100 river sub-basins in India by partitioning the actual evapotranspiration (AET) into green water evapotranspiration (ET-Green) and blue water evapotranspiration (ET-Blue). For computation of
Scalable Water Balances from Earth Observations (SWEO)
Results from 50 years of remote sensing in hydrology
Strategic planning of water management at the river-basin scale requires (1) measurement and accounting of individual hydrological processes, (2) quantification of water resources, and (3) their optimal allocation. Scalable Water Balances from Earth Observations (SWEO) is an open
Agriculture is a major consumptive user of water through evapotranspiration (ET). Quantification of actual ET (ETa) is of significant interest to better address water management and improve decision making in the agricultural sector. Many methods to estimate ET are ava
Estimating precipitation at high spatial-temporal resolution is vital in manifold hydrological, meteorological and water management applications, especially over areas with un-gauged networks and regions where water resources are on the wane. This study aims to evaluate five down
Traditional methods based on field campaigns are generally used to assess the performance of irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso, resulting in labor-intensive, time-consuming, and costly processes. Despite their extensive application for such performance assessment, remote sensing
Reliable and readily available data on actual evapotranspiration (ETa) over large-scale areas throughout the crop growing season are critical for improved agricultural irrigation and water resource management. On-site data collection is costly, labour-intensive, and ve
Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the water balance. While several international flux measurement programs have been executed in the tropical rain forest of the Amazon, those measurements represent the
The assessment of water withdrawals for irrigation is essential for managing water resources in cultivated tropical catchments. These water withdrawals vary seasonally, driven by wet and dry seasons. A land use map is one of the required inputs of hydrological models used to esti
Ecosystems provide social, ecological and economic benefits and are linked through the landscape. Landscape degradation and loss of biodiversity undermine ecosystem functioning especially in vital ecosystems such as the Mara Basin in Africa. Holistically monitored and assessed la
The storage and dynamics of water in the root zone control many important hydrological processes such as saturation excess overland flow, interflow, recharge, capillary rise, soil evaporation and transpiration. Consequently, the effect of the root zone parameterization on the run