Doris Sáez
19 records found
Microgrid planning based on computational intelligence methods for rural communities
A case study in the José Painecura Mapuche community, Chile
Microgrids (MGs) are sustainable solutions for rural zone electrification that use local renewable resources. However, only careful planning at the start of an MG project can ensure its future optimal operation. In this paper, a novel methodology for MG planning by using the unce
This paper presents a two-level hierarchical energy management system (EMS) for microgrid operation that is based on a robust model predictive control (MPC) strategy. This EMS focuses on minimizing the cost of the energy drawn from the main grid and increasing self-consumption of
Modulated model predictive control (M
PC) allows fixed switching frequency operation of power converters,
Prediction interval modelling has been proposed in the literature to characterize uncertain phenomena and provide useful information from a decision-making point of view. In most of the reported studies, assumptions about the data distribution are made and/or the models are train
This study presents a novel load estimation method for isolated communities that do not receive energy or only receive it for a limited time each day. These profiles have been used to determine the installed capacity of generating units for microgrid electrification projects. The
Microgrids are suitable electrical solutions for providing energy in rural zones. However, it is challenging to propose in advance a good design of the microgrid because the electrical load is difficult to estimate due to its highly dependence of the residential consumption. In t
Hybrid Predictive Control for Dynamic Transport Problems develops methods for the design of predictive control strategies for nonlinear-dynamic hybrid discrete-/continuous-variable systems. The methodology is designed for real-time applications, particularly the study of dynamic
In this article, a hybrid predictive control (HPC) strategy is formulated for the real-time optimisation of a public transport system operation run using buses. For this problem, the hybrid predictive controller corresponds to the bus dispatcher, who dynamically provides the opti
Comparison of fixed speed wind turbines models
A case study
This paper presents a model comparison of a fixed speed wind turbine (FSWT) operating on a real wind farm. By relying on real data obtained from a wind farm operating in the Chilean Interconnected System, three different models are identified and analyzed. First, a phenomenologic
In this paper, two methods for generating the daily load profile and forecasting in isolated small communities are proposed. In these communities, the energy supply is difficult to predict because it is not always available, is limited according to some schedules and is highly de
In this paper, a dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP) is solved based on hybrid predictive control strategy with an objective function that includes two dimensions: user and operator costs. To handle some undesired assignments for the users, a new objective function is designed
A hybrid predictive control formulation based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization to optimize real-time operations of public transport systems is presented. The state space model includes bus position, expected load and arrival time at stops. The system is based on discr
In this paper we present a method of hybrid predictive control (HPC) based on a fuzzy model. The identification methodology for a nonlinear system with discrete state-space variables based on combining fuzzy clustering and principal component analysis is proposed. The fuzzy model
This paper presents a hybrid adaptive predictive control approach that includes future information in realtime routing decisions in the context of a dynamic pickup and delivery problem (DPDP). We recognize in this research that when the problem is dynamic, an additional stochasti
In this paper we describe the design of hybrid fuzzy predictive control based on a genetic algorithm (GA). We also present a simulation test of the proposed algorithm and a comparison with two hybrid predictive control methods: Explicit Enumeration and Branch and Bound (BB). The
In this paper, we develop a family of solution algorithms based upon computational intelligence for solving the dynamic multi-vehicle pick-up and delivery problem formulated under a hybrid predictive adaptive control scheme. The scheme considers future demand and prediction of ex
This paper presents a hybrid adaptive predictive control approach to incorporate future information regarding unknown demand and expected traffic conditions, in the context of a dynamic pickup and delivery problem with fixed fleet size. As the routing problem is dynamic, several
The paper deals with model predictive control (MPC) of nonlinear hybrid systems with discrete inputs. It is often required to take into account the hybrid and/or nonlinear nature of real systems, therefore, a hybrid fuzzy model is used for MPC in the paper. Two approaches that ar
In the paper, the hybrid predictive control based on a fuzzy model is presented. The identification methodology for a nonlinear system with discrete state-space variables by combining fuzzy clustering and principal component analysis is proposed. The fuzzy model is used for hybri