Beata Tyburska-Pueschel

2 records found

To develop an understanding of the photochromic effect in rare-earth metal oxyhydride thin films (REH3-2xOx, here RE = Y), we explore the aliovalent doping of the RE cation. We prepared Ca-doped yttrium oxyhydride thin films ((CazY1-z)HxOy) by reactive magnetron cosputtering with ...

Erratum to

Aliovalent Calcium Doping of Yttrium Oxyhydride Thin Films and Implications for Photochromism (The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) 126:34 (14742−14749) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04456)

The energy axes of the RBS and ERD data (contained in Figures 2a,b,d,e, and S4) were originally underestimated, and the corrected figures appear below and in the Supporting Information. The change is in the conversion from raw data to the energy scale, which was initially convert ...