
Jan van den Berg


17 records found

Grasping cybersecurity

A set of essential mental models

For most people, cybersecurity is a hard to grasp notion. Traditionally, cybersecurity has been considered as a technical challenge and still many specialists view it equivalent with information security, with the notions of confidentiality, integrity and availability as starting ...

No domain left behind

Is Let's Encrypt democratizing encryption?

The 2013 National Security Agency revelations of pervasive monitoring have led to an "encryption rush" across the computer and Internet industry. To push back against massive surveillance and protect users' privacy, vendors, hosting and cloud providers have widely deployed encryp ...
Decision trees are one of the most popular structures for decision-making and the representation of a set of rules. However, when a rule set is represented as a decision tree, some quirks in its structure may negatively affect its performance. For example, duplicate sub-trees and ...
Persuasion is a human activity of influence. In marketing, persuasion can help customers find solutions to their problems, make informed choices, or convince someone to buy a useful (or useless) product or service. In computer crimes, persuasion can trick users into revealing sen ...
We live in a world that is being driven by data. This leads to challenges of extracting and analyzing knowledge from large volumes of data. An example of such a challenge is intrusion detection. Intrusion detection data sets are characterized by huge volumes, which affects the le ...
Every day the number of devices interacting through telecommunications networks grows resulting into an increase in the volume of data and information generated. At the same time, a growing number of information security incidents is being observed including the occurrence of una ...
Cyber operations are relatively a new phenomenon of the last two decades. During that period, they have increased in number, complexity, and agility, while their design and development have been processes well kept under secrecy. As a consequence, limited data(sets) regarding the ...
Low-voltage distribution grids experience a rising penetration of inverter-based, distributed generation. In order to not only contribute to but also solve voltage problems, these inverters are increasingly asked to participate in intelligent grid controls. Communicating inverter ...
In the last few years, the telecommunications scenario has experienced an increase in the volume of information generated, as well as in the execution of malicious activities. In order to complement Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), data mining techniques have begun to play a f ...
Cyber Operations stopped being utopia or Sci-Fi based scenarios: they became reality. When planning and conducting them, military actors encounter difficulties since they lack methodologies and models that support their actions and assess their effects. To address these issues by ...
Connected- en de autonoom rijdende auto’s communiceren constant met hun omgeving. Deze rijdende computers zijn nooit ontworpen om kwaadwillende hackers buiten te houden. Het is tijd om de ICT architectuur in onze auto’s grondig te herzien om ervoor te zorgen dat de fysieke consum ...
Cyber operations lack models, methodologies, and mechanisms to describe relevant data and knowledge. This problem is directly reflected when cyber operations are conducted and their effects assessed, and it can produce dissonance and disturbance in corresponding decision-making p ...
For most people, cybersecurity is a difficult notion to grasp. Traditionally, cybersecurity has been considered a technical challenge, and still many specialists understand it as information security, with the notions of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as its foundat ...
Today’s increasing connectivity creates cyber risks at personal, organizational up to societal level. Societal cyber risks require mitigation by all kinds of actors where government should take the lead due to its responsibility to protect its citizens. Since no formal global gov ...
Telecommunications services have become a constant in people’s lives. This has inspired fraudsters to carry out malicious activities causing economic losses to people and companies. Early detection of signs that suggest the possible occurrence of malicious activity would allow an ...
In cloud computing, the paradigm of data outsourcing introduces security challenges, which requires an independent auditing service to check the data integrity in the cloud. Many existing integrity checking protocols cannot be applied to the auditing service because they can only ...
This paper presents the first bibliometric mapping analysis of the field of computer and information ethics (C&IE). It provides a map of the relations between 400 key terms in the field. This term map can be used to get an overview of concepts and topics in the field and to ident ...


3 records found

Intelligent control systems

Learning, interpreting, verification

Automatic control is a technique about designing control devices for controlling ma- chinery processes without human intervention. However, devising controllers using conventional control theory requires first principle design on the basis of the full under- standing of the envir ...

Statistical Analysis in Cyberspace

Data veracity, completeness, and clustering

This thesis presents several methodological and statistical solutions to problems encountered in cyber security. We investigated the effects of compromised data veracity in state estimators and fraud detection systems, a model to impute missing data in attributes of linked observ ...
Cyber Warfare is perceived as a radical shift in the nature of warfare. It can represent a real alternative next to other types of Military Operations to achieve military and/or political goals in front of adversaries. To this end, Cyber Operations use specific technologies i.e. ...