Claudia Eckert

101 records found


The evidence review report from SAPEA presents the latest scientific evidence on the subject of crisis management, and evidence-based policy options for action. The European Union is confronted with an increasing number of crises with growing complexity. Their effects can cascad ...


Malware Detection and Categorization with Network Traffic Images

Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. At the same time, miscreants have already created malicious apps to find new victims and infect them. Unfortunately, existing anti-malware procedures have become obsolete, and thus novel Android malware techniques are in ...

Integrated product and process models

Towards an integrated framework and review

While product models and process models have a long standing transiting, there are few models that integrate the two type of models. Those that exist are research systems, which even if validated in industry do not have a broad uptake to date. This paper develops an integrated ...

Engineering change

An overview and perspective on the literature

Engineering change has grown steadily in prominence both as an important issue for industry and as an active academic research area. This paper provides a categorised overview and perspective on the published academic literature on engineering change. The aim is to give new re ...

Simulating intertwined design processes that have similar structures

A case study of a small company that creates made-to-order fashion products

The authors use simulation to analyse the resource-driven dependencies between concurrent processes used to create customised products in a company. Such processes are uncertain and unique according to the design changes required. However, they have similar structures. For simula ...

Design customisation in multi-project environments

Using process simulation to explore the issues

Adapting a design to the needs of a specific customer can be seen as a process in which an existing product is changed to incorporate desired properties and to exclude undesired ones. In a multi-project environment, many such projects are typically in execution at any given time ...

The elusive act of synthesis

Creativity in the conceptual design of complex engineering products

In engineering design it is necessary not only to find creative solutions to problems, but to be able to do so without introducing unacceptable levels of risk into the process. This paper studies how engineering firms use creativity within a Business Process Excellence framework, ...

Engineering change

Drivers, sources, and approaches in industry

Engineering change is a fundamental part of all design activities at all stages of design; complex products are designed by modification from existing ones; requirements change during long development projects; or problems through the design process or product use require rewo ...

This paper discusses a case study in which process simulation was applied to support the integration of life-cycle engineering activities into the existing design process at a major UK manufacturer of capital equipment. we demonstrate the practical value of process simulation ...

Project structure

An important factor in design planning?

Planning large-scale design projects is difficult due to a combination of structural variations in terms of task-connectivity patters and uncertainties concerning task durations, rework behaviour, requirements changes and resource availability. This paper uses generated, hypothet ...
Mitigating the influence of uncertainty in design projects without sacrificing performance is challenging, but also important as it may reduce the risk of engineering projects delivering over time or budget. In this paper, we discuss process modelling and simulation as a route to ...
When using connectivity models to assess the potential impacts of component changes on other parts of a product, plausible inferences are readily assessed when such products are represented at the appropriate level of granularity to support specific queries. In this paper, we des ...

Change propagation at the interface of system and embedded software design

Characterising impact analysis tasks and techniques

Embedded software is specifically designed for and integrated into the control system of a product. This software provides for flexibility in a product design by allowing for the accommodation of changes originating from mechanical or electrical designs. Within mechatronic produc ...

Component classification

A change perspective

• Two component classification schemes based on components DSM were introduced • Provide information and strategies from a change perspective - PVP identifies components for change strategies - PAMP indicates components that could be frozen early • Help designers plan for new pro ...

Product models in design

A combined use of two models to assess change risks

When designing complex products such as robots or jet engines, companies face the problem that designers lack the necessary tools to predict the behaviour of the product in the case of component change, and to assess the risks associated with decisions. Product models allow compa ...
This paper reports on an investigation into the modes of change propagation in complex products based on a series of case studies in an aerospace and an automotive company. The paper identifies three main conditions under which change tends to propagate and highlights the heterog ...

Two sides of the story

Visualising products and processes in engineering design

This paper describes research on the use of multiple views for modelling products and processes in the design of complex products. Single visual representations of design models only provide a limited perspective, hiding important information from the designer. Based on an indust ...
Communication is a critical success factor in design. It can be seen as the social and cognitive process by which information is selected, messages are exchanged between interacting partners, and meaning is created. How communication processes can best be captured, analysed and a ...

Matrices or node-link diagrams

Which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models?

Adjacency matrices or DSMs (design structure matrices) and node-link diagrams are both visual representations of graphs, which are a common form of data in many disciplines. DSMs are used throughout the engineering community for various applications, such as process modelling or ...
Design changes can be surprisingly complex. We examine the problems they cause and discuss the problems involved in predicting how changes propagate, based on empirical studies. To assist this analysis we distinguish between (a) a static background of connectivities (b) descripti ...