
5 records found

The contact between the fingertip and an object is formed by a collection of micro-scale junctions, which collectively constitute the real contact area. This real area of contact is only a fraction of the apparent area of contact and is directly linked to the frictional strength ...
When grasping objects, we rely on our sense of touch to adjust our grip and react against external perturbations. Less than 200 ms after an unexpected event, the sensorimotor system is able to process tactile information to deduce the frictional strength of the contact and to rea ...
Shortly after touching an object, humans can tactually gauge the frictional resistance of a surface. The knowledge of surface friction is paramount to tactile perception and the motor control of grasp. While potent correlations between friction and participants' perceptual respon ...
Humans efficiently estimate the grip force necessary to lift a variety of objects, including slippery ones. The regulation of grip force starts with the initial contact and takes into account the surface properties, such as friction. This estimation of the frictional strength has ...
Tactile sensing can provide access to information about the contact (i.e. slippage, surface feature, friction), which is out of reach of vision but crucial for manipulation. To access this information, a dense measurement of the deformation of soft fingertips is necessary. Recent ...


2 records found

Manipulating soft and fragile objects is a challenging task in robotic grasping. The key challenge for robotic grasping is to exert enough grip force to prevent slipping while being gentle enough to prevent damage to an object. Existing grippers used for processes like automatic ...
Our remarkable sense of touch provides us the feedback that is crucial for successfully manipulating a wide range of objects. The unconscious synergy between touch and the precision grip is particularly astonishing. During precision manipulation, humans constantly control their g ...