Twisting 2D van der Waals magnets allows the formation and control of different spin-textures, as skyrmions or magnetic domains. Beyond the rotation angle, different spin reversal processes can be engineered by increasing the number of magnetic layers forming the twisted van der
Twisting 2D van der Waals magnets allows the formation and control of different spin-textures, as skyrmions or magnetic domains. Beyond the rotation angle, different spin reversal processes can be engineered by increasing the number of magnetic layers forming the twisted van der Waals heterostructure. Here, pristine monolayers and bilayers of the A-type antiferromagnet CrSBr are considered as building blocks. By rotating 90 degrees these units, symmetric (monolayer/monolayer and bilayer/bilayer) and asymmetric (monolayer/bilayer) heterostructures are fabricated. The magneto-transport properties reveal the appearance of magnetic hysteresis, which is highly dependent upon the magnitude and direction of the applied magnetic field and is determined not only by the twist-angle but also by the number of layers forming the stack. This high tunability allows switching between volatile and non-volatile magnetic memory at zero-field and controlling the appearance of abrupt magnetic reversal processes at either negative or positive field values on demand. The phenomenology is rationalized based on the different spin-switching processes occurring in the layers, as supported by micromagnetic simulations. The results highlight the combination between twist-angle and number of layers as key elements for engineering spin-switching reversals in twisted magnets, of interest toward the miniaturization of spintronic devices and realizing novel spin textures.@en