JJ Erbrink
17 records found
An on-load tap changer (OLTC) is prone to many different defects and degradation mechanisms due to its continuous operation under load condition. A high load current and high operation temperature accelerate the process of contact wear. Contacts erode due to the fact that under c
This paper discusses the recently developed analysis method for service aged power transformers equipped with an OLTC: dynamic resistance measurements (DRM). Because the on-load tap changer contributes to many power transformer failures the emphasis is on OLTC diagnosis. Off-line
Static resistance measurements on power transformers give an indication about increased contact resistances of the OLTC. Increased contact resistances can also be measured by means of a dynamic resistance measurement (DRM). This paper elaborates on condition diagnosis of electric
Resistance measurements on power transformers are offline diagnostic methods that are performed without opening the transformer main tank. In case the power transformer is equipped with an on-load tap changer (OLTC), this resistance measurement can be used to find degradation and
This paper discusses the recently developed analysis method for service aged power transformers. This is a complete approach to assess the condition of a power transformer, both the on-load tap changer as well as the transformer windings. This paper also presents several case stu
It is known that most failure of power transformers are related to aging effects of the on-load tap changer contacts. To understand the aging mechanisms and to develop knowledge rules to interpret different failure mechanisms a test model has been developed. In particular, the ef
It is known that many failures of power transformers are related to aging effects of the on-load tap changer contacts. This paper discusses the recently developed analysis method for service aged power transformers. In particular, the effect of several aging stages of the tap cha