Gilles Wallez

7 records found

The quaternary compound Cs2Pb(MoO4)2 was synthesized and its structure was characterized using X-ray and neutron diffraction from 298 to 773 K, while thermal expansion was studied from 298 to 723 K. The crystal structure of the high-temperature ph ...
The formation of a thin layer, the so-called Joint Oxyde-Gaine (JOG), between the (U,Pu)O2 fuel pellets and the cladding has been observed in fast neutron reactors, due to the accumulation of volatile fission products. Cs2MoO4 is known to be one of the major components of the JOG ...
Rembrandt (1606–1669) is renowned for his impasto technique, involving his use of lead white paint with outstanding rheological properties. This paint was obtained by combining lead white pigment (a mixture of cerussite PbCO 3 and hydrocerussite Pb ...

Structural and thermodynamic study of Cs3Na(MoO4)2

Margin to the safe operation of sodium cooled fast reactors

Neutron diffraction measurements of the double molybdate Cs3Na(MoO4)2 have been performed for the first time in this work and the crystal structure refined using the Rietveld method. The thermal expansion of this trigonal phase, in space group P3¯ ...

Synthesizing lead white pigments by lead corrosion

New insights into the ancient manufacturing processes

Traditional “stack “manufacturing process (16–19th c.) of lead white pigment by lead corrosion is explored by exposing metal to acetic acid, carbon dioxide, dioxygen and water vapor. Global reaction scheme is revealed, along with stratification of corrosion products with CO2 ...
The structure of α-Cs2Mo2O7 (monoclinic in space group P21/c), which can form during irradiation in fast breeder reactors in the space between nuclear fuel and cladding, has been refined in this work at room temperature from neutron dif ...
Na3.16(2)UV,VI 0.84(2)O4 is obtained from the reaction of sodium with uranium dioxide under oxygen potential conditions typical of a sodium-cooled fast nuclear reactor. In the event of a breach of the steel cladding, it would be the dom ...