Andreas Hänsel

10 records found


The measurement of distance plays an integral part in many aspects of modern societies. In this paper an integrated mode-locked laser on a chip is used for distance measurement based on mode-resolved interferometry. The emission from the on-chip source with a repetition rate o ...

Spectroscopy is a powerful tool to investigate the physical properties of complex systems. The interaction of light with matter allows to get insights into the structure of it. Chapter 1 is dedicated to introduce this topic and to show the developments of the technologies that pa ...

In this paper a generic monolithic photonic integration technology platform and tunable laser devices for gas sensing applications at 2 μm will be presented. The basic set of long wavelength optical functions which is fundamental for a generic photonic integration approach is ...

We present a widely tunable extended cavity ring laser operating at 2 μm that is monolithically integrated on an indium phosphide substrate. The photonic integrated circuit is designed and fabricated within a multiproject wafer run using a generic integration technology platform. ...
In this work we present a design of an external optical cavity based on Fabry-Perot etalons applied to a 100 MHz Er-doped fiber optical frequency comb working at 1560 nm to increase its repetition frequency. A Fabry-Perot cavity is constructed based on a transportable cage system ...
Progress on the development of a long wavelength (∼2 μm) generic monolithic photonic integration technology on indium phosphide substrate and a novel concept of a tunable laser realized as a photonic integrated circuit using such technology are presented. Insights into the develo ...
Monolithic integration of four widely tunable extended cavity lasers suitable for gas detection is presented. Each laser features a precise, grid-less tuning mechanism with a low-linewidth, single-mode output over a wide wavelength range of 74nm.@en