Atindriyo Pamososuryo

15 records found


Wind Turbine Load Control and Estimation

Advancements by Coordinate Transformations

As wind turbine power capacities continue to rise, taller and more flexible tower designs are needed for support. These designs often have the tower's natural frequency in the turbine's operating regime, increasing the risk of resonance excitation and fatigue damage. Advanced ...

To justify the use of two single-input single-output (SISO) control loops instead of more complex multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control, the axes in a wind turbine's pitch control system should be fully decoupled using the multi-blade coordinate transform. To achieve that, u ...

Economic model predictive control (EMPC) has received increasing attention in the wind energy community due to its ability to trade-off economic objectives with ease. However, for wind turbine applications, inherent nonlinearities, such as from aerodynamics, pose difficulties ...

On-shore horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) provide a cost-effective solution for low carbon electricity generation. However, public acceptance is still a problem. A possible alternative to a HAWT is a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), which is more visually appealing and ...

Wind farm controllers such as the Helix approach have shown potential in increasing plant power production through wake mixing. The concept suggests that actuating the upstream turbines' blade pitching with a specific periodic signal can induce a helix-shaped wake, thereby all ...

The Immersion and Invariance (II) wind speed estimator is a powerful and widely-used technique to estimate the rotor effective wind speed on horizontal axis wind turbines. Anyway, its global convergence proof is rather cumbersome, which hinders the extension of the method and ...

The ever-increasing power capacities of wind turbines promote the use of tall and slender turbine towers. This poses a challenge from a fatigue loading perspective by the relocation of the first and lightly-damped tower side-side natural frequency into the turbine operating regim ...

The estimation of the rotor effective wind speed is used in modern wind turbines to provide advanced power and load control capabilities. However, with the ever increasing rotor sizes, the wind field over the rotor surface shows a higher degree of spatial variation. A single e ...

The current trend in the evolution of wind turbines is to increase their rotor size in order to capture more power. This leads to taller, slender and more flexible towers, which thus experience higher dynamical loads due to the turbine rotation and environmental factors. It is he ...

The wind turbine side-side tower motion is known to be lightly damped. One viable active damping solution is realized by deploying individual pitch control (IPC) such that counteracting blade forces are created to alleviate the tower fatigue loading caused by this motion. Exis ...

Blade Effective Wind Speed Estimation

A Subspace Predictive Repetitive Estimator Approach

Modern wind turbine control algorithms typically utilize rotor effective wind speed measured from an anemometer on the turbine’s nacelle. Unfortunately, the measured wind speed from such a single measurement point does not give a good representation of the effective wind speed ov ...

Efficient tuning of Individual Pitch Control

A Bayesian Optimization Machine Learning approach

With the trend of increasing wind turbine rotor diameters, the mitigation of blade fatigue loadings is of special interest to extend the turbine lifetime. Fatigue load reductions can be partly accomplished using individual pitch control (IPC), and is commonly facilitated by th ...


FOWTs pose several control challenges. This work addresses reduced order modelling of FOWT to develop an MPC. They key objective is tackle the platform pitch instability while improving the performance in other KPIs. An existing reduced order model, which considers platform pitch ...
Wind turbines offer an appealing method for power generation. In the fight against global warming wind energy helps realise green house gas emission reduction targets. Moreover, given a globally increasing demand for energy, the role of wind energy is set to become even more impo ...