N. Khakzad Rostami
87 records found
Oil and gas pipelines play a key role in the safe and efficient delivery of energy resources around the world. Crude oil by itself is not corrosive, but oil extracted from geological reservoirs is accompanied by varying amounts of water and acidic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO
Domino effects in chemical factories and clusters, risk in the eye of the beholder
An historical perspective and discussion
Major accidents in Western countries, receiving a lot of media attention in the 1970s, are starting point for research into internal and external domino effects in the chemical and petrochemical sectors and clusters. Initially, these reports are published by government institutio
The present study aims to investigate the impacts of oil sands development in Canada on the economy, society and the environment as the three pillars of sustainability. Factors such as aquatic ecosystems, land disturbance and reclamation, air quality, public health, safety, abori
Corrigendum to “Tackling uncertainty in security assessment of critical infrastructures
Dempster-Shafer Theory vs. Credal Sets Theory” (Safety Science (2018) 107 (62–76), (S0925753517318611), (10.1016/j.ssci.2018.04.007))
The authors regret that an imprecise statement was made in this article, and wish to offer this Corrigendum as clarification. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Imprecise statement: Misuri et al. (2018, pp. 70) state in their work: “Differently from
Success Likelihood Index Model (SLIM) is one of the widely-used deterministic techniques in human reliability assessment especially when data is insufficient. However, this method suffers from epistemic uncertainty as it extremely relies on expert judgment for determining the mod
Domino effects are high-impact phenomena that have caused catastrophic damage to several chemical and process plants around the world through secondary incidents caused by primary ones. With the increasing trend of cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructures, there is a conce
Recent catastrophic accidents in China and the USA urge and justify a thorough study on current & future research trends in the development of modeling methods and protection strategies for prevention and mitigation of large-scale escalating events or so-called domino effects
The Arctic is known for its abundant reserve of natural resources. Last decade has seen some exploration and production activities in this region. The assurance of safe operations in this region is a critical and challenging task because of the harsh environment, the remoteness o
Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) has played an effective role in improving safety of process systems during the last decades. However, QRA conventional techniques such as fault tree and bow-tie diagram suffer from drawbacks as being static and ineffective in handling uncertaint
Chemical industrial parks, being critical infrastructures, are susceptible to domino effects triggered by intentional attacks. Previous research on security risk management has mainly focused on using security measures to prevent intentional attacks, neglecting the effects of saf
Optimal selection of safety measures (SMs) is a challenging task for safety managers due to its importance, complexity, and incapability of traditional approaches in considering all the aspects of SMs optimal selection. Sophisticated mathematical models can be used to overcome th
System safety and reliability assessment relies on historical data and experts opinion for estimating the required failure probabilities. When data comes from different sources, be it different databases or subject domain experts, the estimation of accurate probabilities would be
Water treatment plants (WTPs) are characterised as complex configurations of repairable and deteriorating components. Previous studies have mainly focused on the average or steady-state availability of such systems while ignoring inherent characteristics like degradation. The cur
Because of modern societies' dependence on industrial control systems, adequate response to system failures is essential. In order to take appropriate measures, it is crucial for operators to be able to distinguish between intentional attacks and accidental technical failures. Ho
Forest fire induced Natech risk assessment
A survey of geospatial technologies
Forest fires threaten a large part of the world's forests, communities, and industrial plants, triggering technological accidents (Natechs). Forest fire modelling with respect to contributing spatial parameters is one of the well-known ways not only to predict the fire occurrence
Complex networks play a vital role in reliability analysis of real-world applications, demanding for precise and accurate analysis methods for optimal allocations of cost and reliability. Since the configuration of a system may change with every feasible solution of cost allocati
The industrial clustering process in the chemical industry is becoming progressively more important due to economic, social and political issues. Industrial clustering means agglomeration of companies in the same geographical area in order to increase productivity and reduce cost
Domino effects triggered by fire can cause extremely severe damages to the chemical and process plants. In the need of a more effective prevention of fire domino effects, the present study focuses on firefighting which has received less attention compared to passive and active fi
Past accident surveys reveal that loading and unloading operations (LUOs) are responsible for 11% of fire-related domino accidents. This study investigates the domino accidents during LUOs in the last two decades and identifies the main causes and features of these domino effects
Major accidents in Western countries, receiving a lot of media attention in the 1970s, are starting point for research into internal and external domino effects in the chemical and petrochemical sectors and clusters. Initially, these reports are published by government institutio