Hai hu Wen
4 records found
By means of high-sensitivity capacitance torque magnetometers we have measured the superconducting current js and the dynamic magnetic-moment relaxation of YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu4O8 films of typically 100
The supercurrent js and the dynamical relaxation rate Q ≡ dlnjs/dln(dBe/dt) of YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu4O8 films of about 100 nm thickness have been measured by means of a torque magnetometer for temperatures up to Tc and fields up to Be = 7 T. From these data the true critical curre
The critical current jc and the pinning energy Uc have been determined for three types of yttrium-based superconducting films from current js and dynamic relaxation Q=d lnjs/d ln(dB/dt) data by means of the generalized inversion scheme. For B<2 T and T<80 K the temperature
The dynamical relaxation rate Q dln js/dln(dB/dt) where js is the current induced in a superconductor when the external field is swept at a rate dB/dt, has been measured in YBa2Cu3O7 and Y2Ba4Cu8O16 films of 100 nm and 180 nm thickness as a function of magnetic field at temperatu