P. Medici

12 records found


The Doughnut Economic approach in Architecture

In 2017, Professor Kate Raworth from Oxford University and Amsterdam University published the book “Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist”. The Doughnut, the core concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics (DE), is a tool for human prosperity in th ...
In 2017 Prof Kate Raworth from Oxford University and Amsterdam University published the book 'Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist'. The Doughnut, the core concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics (DE), is a tool for human prosperity in the 21st ...

Autonomous Houses and Architecture of Cybernetics in the 1970s

Towards Limits and Undeveloped Potentials of the Sustainable

In 1969, English researcher Gordon Pask published an article named “The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics”, defining a theoretical framework concerning a cybernetic theory of architecture. Throughout the 1970s, the Cambridge Research Group designed the Autonomous House, a se ...
This research focuses on the architecture of degrowth with regard to the Circular Economy (CE) in the built environment and the role of the architect. Today, to achieve a sound CE, the challenge related to the global decoupling of economic growth from environmental degradation ha ...
Today, the evident need for more efficient conservation, management and redistribution of natural and human-made common resources have inspired thinkers, researchers, and designers to redefine the organization of our societies. For example, Silke Helfrich and David Bollier argue ...
This paper analyses the user safety of a playground built out of reused blades from a dismantled wind turbine. Located in Rotterdam and designed by the Netherlands architecture firm Superuse Studios, the playground, called “Wikado”, represents an example of the circular economy a ...

The Trombe wall out of equipoise

A missed analysis and communication on the limitations of a sustainable technology

Throughout the 1960s and the 1970s, some European architectural magazines illustrated the Trombe Wall: a solar collector designed by engineer Felix Trombe, integrated into the southern wall of some housing prototypes by Jacques Michel in France. Magazines such as Architectural De ...
Zuccaro Marchi L., Medici P., Romani A., Covatta A., Neu Ulm. “Neu Ulm. Das Productive Herz,” Bauwelt n. 1 (2018): 22.@en
This paper is part of a wider research that focuses on the 1970s, when architectural debate and practice saw an enormous increase in the attention for the various ways that architecture and the built environment relates to questions of energy, economy, natural resources and socie ...
Winner Europan 14, "The Productive Heart of Neu Ulm" Architects: Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi (IT), Piero Medici (IT), Alice Covatta (IT), Annalisa Romani (IT) Contributors: Agnieszka Batkiewicz (PL), Christian Maijstre (NL), Virginia Santilli (IT), Yağız Söylev (TR), Xiaoyi Qin (CN)@ ...