M. Virgolin
16 records found
Neural Architecture Search (NAS), i.e., the automation of neural network design, has gained much popularity in recent years with increasingly complex search algorithms being proposed. Yet, solid comparisons with simple baselines are often missing. At the same time, recent retrosp
Purpose: Current phantoms used for the dose reconstruction of long-term childhood cancer survivors lack individualization. We design a method to predict highly individualized abdominal three-dimensional (3-D) phantoms automatically. Approach: We train machine learning (ML) models
Many risk-sensitive applications require Machine Learning (ML) models to be interpretable. Attempts to obtain interpretable models typically rely on tuning, by trial-and-error, hyper-parameters of model complexity that are only loosely related to interpretability. We show that it
Performing large-scale three-dimensional radiation dose reconstruction for patients requires a large amount of manual work. We present an image processing-based pipeline to automatically reconstruct radiation dose. The pipeline was designed for childhood cancer survivors that rec
Machine learning is impacting modern society at large, thanks to its increasing potential to effciently and effectively model complex and heterogeneous phenomena. While machine learning models can achieve very accurate predictions in many applications, they are not infallible. In
Feature construction can substantially improve the accuracy of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Genetic Programming (GP) has been proven to be effective at this task by evolving non-linear combinations of input features. GP additionally has the potential to improve ML explainabi
The advent of Machine Learning (ML) is proving extremely beneficial in many healthcare applications. In pediatric oncology, retrospective studies that investigate the relationship between treatment and late adverse effects still rely on simple heuristics. To capture the effects o
To study radiotherapy-related adverse effects, detailed dose information (3D distribution) is needed for accurate dose-effect modeling. For childhood cancer survivors who underwent radiotherapy in the pre-CT era, only 2D radiographs were acquired, thus 3D dose distributions must
Semantic Backpropagation (SB) is a recent technique that promotes effective variation in tree-based genetic programming. The basic idea of SB is to provide information on what output is desirable for a specified tree node, by propagating the desired root-node output back to the s
In retrospective radiation treatment (RT) dosimetry, a surrogate anatomy is often used for patients without 3D CT. To gain insight in what the crucial aspects in a surrogate anatomy are to enable accurate dose reconstructi
3D dose reconstruction for radiotherapy (RT) is the estimation of the 3D radiation dose distribution patients received during RT. Big dose reconstruction data is needed to accurately model the relationship between the dose and onset of adverse effects, to ultimately gain insights
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have proven to be effective in tackling problems in many different domains. However, users are often required to spend a significant amount of effort in fine-tuning the EA parameters in order to make the algorithm work. In principle, visualization to
Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish the first step toward a novel and highly individualized three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution reconstruction method, based on CT scans and organ delineations of recently treated patients. Specifically, the feasibility of automatic
The recently introduced Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm for Genetic Programming (GP-GOMEA) has been shown to find much smaller solutions of equally high quality compared to other state-of-the-art GP approaches. This is an interesting aspect as small solutions bett
The Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA) is a recently introduced model-based EA that has been shown to be capable of outperforming state-of-the-art alternative EAs in terms of scalability when solving discrete optimization problems. One of the key aspects of G