Frank Rieck

13 records found

Will automotive be the future of mobility or will the motorcar era come to an end in the 21st century? Today, auto-mobility is still growing, but in the future, this will depend on its ability to adapt to the needs of modern society. Disruptive technologies like electrification, ...
This paper reports about a case study conducted as part of the STAD project in regards to a demonstration with an automated vehicle in Japan. The demonstration was conducted in November 2017 in the Oku-Eigenji area (Japan). The ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tour ...
This paper reports on the application of electric automated vehicles in the city of Appelscha, The Netherlands. Appelscha is challenged with a predicted decline of inhabitants and an already shrinking public transport network. To preserve the region's accessibility, the municipal ...

Driverless electric vehicles at Businesspark Rivium near Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

From operation on dedicated track since 2005 to public roads in 2020

This paper reports about the operation of the automated and electric ParkShuttle at the Rivium Businesspark in the Netherlands. The ParkShuttles operate without a driver on a designated lane where crossing traffic is managed with barriers. The second and current generation ParkSh ...
This paper reports about the case study at Rotterdam the Hague Airport in regards to the tender “Marketplace for infrastructure”. This tender was put on the market by the ‘Verkeersonderneming’. One of the challenges of the tender was deployment of an automated vehicle between Rot ...


Naar een autonoom rijdend vervoersysteem voor de afhandeling van het interterminal container transport

This paper reports about the application of electric automated vehicles in the city of Appelscha, The Netherlands. Appelscha is challenged with a predicted decline of inhabitants and an already shrinking public transport network. To preserve the regions accessibility, the municip ...
Dit rapport is een uitwerking van de casestudy Appelscha welke is uitgevoerd in het kader van werkpakket 7 van het STAD project. Het STAD project bestudeert het effect van zelfrijdende voertuigen op vervoers- en locatiekeuzes van personen en bedrijven en op het ruimtelijk ontwerp ...
In 2016 startte de Verkeersonderneming de aanbesteding ”Marktplaats voor Infrastructuur”. De Marktplaats voor Infrastructuur was een nieuwe manier van aanbesteden waarbij de markt gevraagd werd om een knelpunt op te lossen. Waar normaliter specifiek gevraagd wordt naar een bepaal ...
Will the Automotive era come to an end in the 21th century? Looking at today’s environmental and economic challenges of the use of cars based on last century technology and listening to some trend watchers one could think so. Cars can be regarded, as an old school status product ...
As part of the National Transition Board Practice Research Raak/SIA program, the INTRALOG (intelligent Truck Application in Logistics) project investigated the practical application of zero emission Automatic Guided Trucks (AGTs) for the transport of containers in the Harbour Ind ...
De volledig zelfrijdende technologie wordt vooral nog als belofte van de toekomst gezien. Toch kunnen we in Nederland ook bogen op praktijkervaring – onder meer dankzij toepassingen en proeven in Capelle aan den IJssel, Ede-Wageningen en Appelscha. Onderzoeker Reanne Boersma onde ...