J.C. Varon Perez

6 records found

Atrial Fibrillation or AF is the most common heart rhythm anomaly affecting millions of people. This work explores the possibilities of reinterpreting speech processing techniques for use in atrial fibrillation detection. An existing method of modelling single heartbeat, single l ...
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common heart diseases. Billions of people have suffered from it in the world. Although it can lead to terrible complications such as stroke and heart failure, the underlying mechanisms of it are still under-explored. Besides, there is n ...
This thesis focuses on classifying AF and Normal rhythm ECG recordings. AF is a common arrhythmia occurring in millions of people every year, which could lead to blood clots, stroke or even heart failure. When AF is occurring, the P waves are often absent and RR intervals are oft ...
There are many different studies that try to use physiological features to determine stress. But there exists a lot of uncertainty about which physiological signals and features are the best classifiers and a lot of discrepancies in classification accuracies exist. This study propos ...
This study proposes a system for constant monitoring of ECG and respiration signals using a wearable. The proposed system uses capacitively-coupled electrodes for the measuring of the ECG-signal and a resistive strain sensor for the measuring of the respiration signal. The system ...
The main purpose of this thesis is the removal of different kinds of artifacts from incoming signals and the identification of relevant information which can be utilized for further analysis. This thesis proposes two designs which are used for the pre-processing of the electrocar ...