J.C. Varon Perez
8 records found
Array Processing in Atrial Fibrillation
Application of different signal models and LAT estimation techniques
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most commonly occurring arrhythmia in clinical practice and can have a significant impact on the current and future wellbeing of the patient. By placing an unipolar sensor array directly on the epicardium during an open-heart surgery to measure the
Causal inference is a familiar topic in biomedical research and a key concept in the study of connectivity in various physiological systems. This work aimed to analyse the coupling between the beat to beat parameters derived from ECG and respiration. It was the first time such an
An Expanded IPFM Model for Heart Rhythm Analysis
Detecting Atrial Fibrillation Using a Physiological Model
Atrial Fibrillation affects millions of people worldwide. It is associated with an impaired quality of life and an increased risk of stroke, cardiac failure and mortality. Treatments exist, but early detection and treatment is crucial, due to the progressive nature of the disease
In the last two decades, radar-based contactless vital signs monitoring (heartbeat and respiration rate) has raised increasing interest as an emerging approach for healthcare and complementary for other more established technologies. Heartbeat and respiration induce only very sub
For people with hearing impairment, it is important to have good speech intelligibility, while also being able to localise the sound sources. Many beam-forming algorithms for hearing aids have been proposed, that minimise the noise, in combination with spatial scene preservation
Radar based human vital sign detection in cars
Signal processing
In this thesis signal processing techniques for the Ultra-wide-band impulse radar (UWB-IR) radar are dis-cussed. To context wherein these algorithms are used is in a car, with the aim of detecting a child left behind in the car. This thesis also touches on algorithms to obtain vi
Radar Based Human Vital Sign Detection In Cars
A System Analysis
This thesis analyses different radar systems for sensing chest movement to detect human presence inside a car. The detection in this thesis is limited to sensing breathing rate, although heartbeat detection is considered a possibility. A comparison is made between CW-, FMCW-, pul
Radar Based Human Vital Signs Detection in Cars
State of the Art Analysis
This thesis compares several technologies to detect human vital signs in cars, in particular respiration and heartbeat, to avoid babies from being left behind in the car. The thesis starts with imposing mandatory and trade-off requirements. The thesis continues with a global over