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5 records found

Over the years, care givers in nursing homes have seen their workload gradually increase. With no end of this trend in sight, the need for smart support systems increases. Especially systems which decrease the time spent on menial tasks are valued highly, because this frees more ...
The primary goal of this study is to infer a time-domain (TD) counterpart of the frequency domain leaky wave. To reach this goal, a number of challenging problems will be tackled: (1) Develop adequate computational tools for performing detailed TD electromagnetic (EM) analyses vi ...

FM Transceiver for Wireless Communication

Audio and Intermediate Frequency Amplifiers

In this bachelor thesis the design process of the audio and intermediate frequency amplifiers for a wireless FM tranceiver is documented and explained. The project was done using only descrete components for educational purposes.
This is a bachelor thesis about the design and development of an observation and sensing module for the Deci Zebro robot that is being developed at the EEMCS faculty of Delft University of Technology.
This part of the thesis is about the development of a cliff- and obstacle d ...