Enhancing Wind Farm Efficiency Through Active Control of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer's Vertical Entrainment of Momentum

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In contemporary wind farm design, the primary focus has traditionally been on reducing wake interference to optimize energy capture from horizontal wind flows. However, with the scaling up of wind farms, their interaction with the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) evolves, making vertical entrainment the main mechanism for the exchange of momentum and energy. This study introduces a methodical approach to augment the efficiency of large-scale offshore wind farms by actively controlling this vertical entrainment of momentum within the ABL. The strategy involves the precise engineering of advection fluxes to alter wind flow dynamics, utilizing turbines as effective vortex generators, toward a process of "regenerative wind farming."This setup aims to create a vorticity and vertical flux system akin to those observed in highly unstable ABLs. Expanding upon previous studies that focused on single Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs), our research explores the implementation of multi-rotor systems equipped with lift-generating wings. These systems are designed to exert forces perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, thus creating trailing vortices and directing the flow orthogonally for improved vertical advection. This research is part of a comprehensive investigative framework that combines experiments and multifidelity simulations. The current study extends those findings to wind farm simulations, aiming to assess the impact of ABL control on a full wind farm scale. The first part of the work validates an established analytical wind farm performance model against real wind farm data for thirty-one wind farms in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The results confirm the predicted trend of decreased performance with increased wind farm size and density. The model is used to calculate the performance of a wind farm for varying regimes of vertical entrainment due to the creation of large-scale circulatory systems. The results are compared against 3D vortex simulations of the full wind farm in "regenerative wind farming"mode. Our results demonstrate a notable improvement in wind speeds at the turbine hub height and the potential to double the feasible density of wind farms without compromising efficiency compared to traditional setups. These findings suggest a promising pathway towards a more sustainable and profitable future in wind energy, achieved through the strategic manipulation of ABL momentum, regenerating the energy in the wind farm.