Flood Forecasting Using Passive Microwave Radiometry in the Zambezi River, Zambia
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Humans have always populated in the vicinity of river systems, where thesupply of water, nourishment and transportation is obtained from the river.However, inundation is a re-occurring problem and impact of floods are ex-pected to increase due to climate change. Accurate flood forecasting andearly warning is critical for disaster risk management. Tackling the problemof forecasting, in data scarce environments, has become increasingly impor-tant due to the changing climate. Remotely sensed river monitoring can bean effective, systematic and time-efficient technique to monitor and forecastextreme floods. Conventional flood forecasting systems require extensivedata inputs and software to model floods. Moreover, most models rely ondischarge data, which is not always available and is less accurate in a over-bank flow situations. There is a need for an alternative method which de-tects riverine inundation, using open-source data and software. This thesisaims to research the use of passive microwave radiometry for the detection,classification and forecasting of inundation.Brightness temperatures are extracted from the passive microwave radiom-etry and are converted in a discharge estimator: the C/M-ratio. Surfacewater has a low emission, thus let the C/M-ratio increase as the surfacewater percentage in the pixel increases. Sharp increases are observed forover-bank flow conditions. The research combines the identification of in-undation with a probability analysis via a quantile regressional fit. Floodforecasts can be obtained from an upstream catchment area. In the mostideal situation with a delay of2,5hours. This allows for probabilistic earlywarning decision making, with a lead time up to14days. (location specific)Strong Spearmans correlation coefficients between the discharge and C/M-ratio are found (>0.883). Allowing the model to forecast floods as gaugeddischarge records do. The model used has a comparable skill to the localGloFas forecast. This research investigated the impact the remote sensedtechnology could have on the flood forecast, response and warning system.An added model to an Early Action Protocol has the ability to lower uncer-tainty within decision making and enlarges the intervention window. Theadvice is to use such a model in combination with other forecasting modelssuch as GloFas.The challenge using this technology is the integration of hydrological com-plexity. The method allows for automated, global-covered creation of gridbased flood forecasts, independent to cloud coverage. Creating low spatialresolution flood forecasts combined with a probability bound in hours aftersatellite detection. The method has a high potential for data scarce flood-prone river basins around the world. The future for this technology lies inthe global daily availability of the data. With satellite sensors improving,spatial resolution is expected to increase. Allowing for even better floodforecasting ability.