The Foyer of the City
The Roles of the Riverfront as a Festive Terrain
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By using a water-oriented scenography of Maastricht as an asset, the intention of the project is to stress and celebrate the festive sense of the city through the interventions along the riverfront area. The definition which best describes the festive nature of this project is ‘A pleasure of Entering’.
From the foyer which performs as the arrival hall towards the swimming pool, the observation tower, the information center, the riverfront seating, to the gate of the city, the programs reflect a sequence of entering. The visitors will experience the spaces that portray their own identities and purposes. The project not only celebrating the festive moment but also the moment after the party by including the programs for both the tourists and the locals. The sense of festivity in this project is not bounded within a specific location, rather express through the set of buildings which situated in different venues. They could be considered as nodes of the city which represents the culture and tradition of entering the city.