The Breaburn Ensemble

A suitable alternative for golden agers in the city center of Amsterdam. Green and luxurious

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In the coming years Amsterdam is facing an influx of people over the age of 65. This influx will be the most present in the Center and South districts of the city, districts that are known for their pre-war buildings. These buildings often lack mobility and accessibility needs for this target group. Suitable alternatives for people over the age of 65 with financial means that are currently living in the city center in canal houses are almost none existing. Therefor a new alternative for these ‘golden agers’ is desired.

The project site is situated on the boundary of the old city center in a transition zone between the canal belt and 19th century expansion. The site, also know as the Applemarket, is a rare void in a dense city center area in which renewal of the current buildings almost never takes place. Therefor it makes it a great location for dwellings that suit the needs of this target group.

Due to the lack of recreational green in the city center of Amsterdam and to counter the ambition of Amsterdam to densify the city, the site is approached as an open green space in which three buildings ‘land’. The Breaburn Ensemble is a composition of three buildings that occupy a small portion of this green space. Each building incorporates the green character of the site in a distinct way so it becomes part of the living quality of the individual dwellings. Also, public health & care related functions on the ground floor of each building are integrated. Carefully designed floorplans offer the resident a level of luxury and living space they were used to and feature state of the art technical elements for comfort.

The Breaburn Ensemble is an all in one concept for golden agers set in familiar surroundings in a new green heart of the city.