Exploring MINI's contribution to urban ecosystems

Igniting strategies on heat wave mitigation

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This executive summary provides an overview of the key findings and insights presented in the master's thesis named "Exploring MINIs contribution to urban ecosystems. Igniting Strategies on heat wave mitigation.". The study investigates the role of the brand MINI, in addressing the pressing issue of urban heat waves and its transformation to an ecosystemfocused contributor. With systemic design, a transition of viewpoint is offered in this thesis, and an additional planet centered approach is used to find new solutions which take the entanglements of the city into consideration. Urban heat waves have become a critical concern within the context of global climate change and urban development. Within the automotive industry, the heat generated by vehicles in cities has been identified as a blind spot that has received insufficient attention in recent decades. With this thesis a possible strategy with examplary interventions to address this gap is derived to make a meaningful contribution. This executive summary outlines the different chapters which include strategies, solutions, and recommendations presented in the thesis to address this challenge. After the introduction and table of figures the following chapters are: Chapter 3 – Background: This chapter introduces the urban heat wave problem and its impacts on urban ecosystems. It highlights the pivotal role of MINI in recognizing the challenge and aligning its strategies with the broader initiatives of urban development. Additionally, a comprehensive trend and context analysis, identifying the crucial role of automobiles in exacerbating this problem. Chapter 4 – Design Process: Chapter 4 explains the Design Process of this Master Thesis in three diamonds, which involves exploration through research, envisioning potential futures and third, defining a strategy for action. Chapter 5 – Stakeholder Analysis: In this chapter the outcome of Interviews conducted with both citizens and experts are presented, to shed light on the system’s issues and deepening the understanding of the problems at hand. Chapter 6 – Co-creation: To foster a co-creative approach, three workshops to facilitate dialogue and solution generation in collaboration with stakeholders where conducted. Chapter 7 – Synthesis: In a final Synthesis a Strategy for MINI is presented with the goal to shift the mindset of citizens and vehicle users through a three step approach. The first step involves raising awareness on heat waves by providing information. The second step focuses on developing vehicles that minimize heat generation. The third and most transformative step encourages a change in consumer mindset towards a concept where individuals gain access to mobility in exchange for contributing to society. The overarching goal is to reduce heat in cities effectively and contribute to the larger city ecosystem. Chapter 8 – Conclusion: By aligning MINIs strategy with the city goals, advocating for sustainable mobility, and collaborating with stakeholders, MINI can strive to create cooler, more sustainable urban environments for all. With the transition of MINI towards an ecosystem mindset and active contribution to the fight against urban heat waves, a transformation of users and citizens mindset can be achieved. The democratization of mobility through collaboration with city governments, citizens, and relevant stakeholders to determine the optimal vehicle solutions is recommended. The recognition that there is no one-size-fits-all solution underscores the need for a democratic approach.