Cesar Jimenez Rodriguez

17 records found


Storage change in heat in the soil is one of the main components of the energy balance and is essential in studying the land-Atmosphere heat exchange. However, its measurement proves to be difficult due to (vertical) soil heterogeneity and sensors easily disturbing the soil. I ...

Interception and Redistribution of Precipitation by Parkinsonia aculeata L.

Implications for Palo Verde National Park Wetlands, Costa Rica

Seasonal wetlands in the tropics are important habitats for local and migratory bird species. In the northwestern Pacific of Costa Rica, Palo Verde National Park has one of the most important seasonal wetlands of Central America. The management history of this wetland has show ...

Despite the importance of forests in the water and carbon cycles, accurately measuring their contribution remains challenging, especially at night. During clear-sky nights current models and theories fail, as non-turbulent flows and spatial heterogeneity become more important. ...

Vapor plumes in a tropical wet forest

Spotting the invisible evaporation

Forest evaporation exports a vast amount of water vapor from land ecosystems into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, evaporation during rain events is neglected or considered of minor importance in dense ecosystems. Air convection moves the water vapor upwards leading to the formation ...

Evaporation partitioning of forest stands

The role of forest structure

Forest evaporation (Ei) is considered the main source of water vapor at a continental scale. Its quantification has been carried out in many ecosystems worldwide, applying the classical partitioning method to differentiate among sources of water vapor. This partitioning different ...

Decoupling of a Douglas fir canopy

A look into the subcanopy with continuous vertical temperature profiles

Complex ecosystems such as forests make accurately measuring atmospheric energy and matter fluxes difficult. One of the issues that can arise is that parts of the canopy and overlying atmosphere can be turbulently decoupled from each other, meaning that the vertical exchange o ...

The interception of precipitation by vegetation has important consequences for climate and water resources. Although canopy interception has been studied for centuries, many fundamental unknowns remain. We present persistent questions that reflect challenges in measuring, represe ...

Drought-related tree mortality is now a widespread phenomenon predicted to increase in magnitude with climate change. However, the patterns of which species and trees are most vulnerable to drought, and the underlying mechanisms have remained elusive, in part due to the lack o ...

While evaporation is the largest water consumer of terrestrial water, its importance is often (limitedly) linked to increasing crop productivities. As a consequence, our knowledge of the evaporation process is highly biased by agricultural settings, and results in erroneous estim ...

Tropical wet forests are complex ecosystems with a large number of plant species. These environments are characterized by a high water availability throughout the whole year and a complex canopy structure. However, how the different sections of the canopy contribute to total e ...

What Do Plants Leave after Summer on the Ground?

The Effect of Afforested Plants in Arid Environments

The implementation of afforestation programs in arid environments in northern China had modified the natural vegetation patterns. This increases the evaporation flux; however, the influence of these new covers on the soil water conditions is poorly understood. This work aims t ...

The hydrology of tropical seasonal wetlands is affected by changes in the land cover. Changes from open water towards a vegetated cover imply an increase in the total evaporation flux, which includes the evaporation from open water bodies and the transpiration from vegetated surf ...
Tropical dry forests (TDF) are endangered ecosystems characterized by a matrix of successional forest patches with structural differences across the Neotropics. Until now, there have been few studies that analyze the partitioning of rainfall by forest interception in TDF. To cont ...
Within a forest ecosystem the litter layer is an important hydrological component and contributes towards the water and energy exchange between the sub-canopy and the soil. Evaporation within a forest is made up of different fractions coming from the dry soil, vegetation and litt ...
Rapid improvements in the precision and spatial resolution of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) technology now allows its use in hydrological and atmospheric sciences. Introduced by Euser [Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2021–2032 (2014)] is the use of DTS for measuring the Bow ...


The underlying processes of evaporative changes

Within the transition period in the Miombo Woodlands, Mpika, Zambia in 2018

The Miombo woodlands are characterized by a transition period which is defined as the dry period in which grasses wither, trees shed and flush their leaves a few weeks before the rainy season. It is difficult to measure evaporation, due to the influence of the plant water storage ...