
7 records found

Measuring the brussels effect through access requests

Has the European General Data Protection Regulation Influenced the Data Protection Rights of Canadian Citizens?

We investigate empirically whether the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) improved compliance with data protection rights of people who are not formally protected under GDPR. By measuring compliance with the right of access for European Union (EU) and C ...

The Impact of User Location on Cookie Notices

(Inside and Outside of the European Union)

The web is global, but privacy laws differ by country. Which set of privacy rules do websites follow? We empirically study this question by detecting and analyzing cookie notices in an automated way. We crawl 1,500 European, American,and Canadian websites from each of 18 countrie ...
Internet measurement tools are used to make inferences about network policies and practices across the Internet, such as censorship, traffic manipulation, bandwidth, and security measures. Some tools must be run from vantage points within individual networks, so are dependent on ...
For the period surrounding the 2018 Dutch municipal elections, a team of researchers from the Delft University of Technology investigated the effect of the digital environment on parliamentary democracy. An interdisciplinary group of researchers combined expertise on digital ethi ...

Estimating the size of the iceberg from its tip

An investigation into unreported data breach notifications

The Right of Access as a Tool for Privacy Governance

Findings from Individual Requests & Proposal for a Crowd-sourced Dataset of Privacy Practices

Post-mortem of a Zombie

Conficker cleanup after six years


13 records found

Competitiveness of Renewable Energy

An empirical study examining the relative cost of energy generation to determine the competitiveness of renewable technologies within the German electricity market.

This thesis examines the competitiveness of renewable energy technology compared to conventional power generation methods by examining the relative cost of solar PV, wind, and coal. The findings of this analysis seek to answer the primary hypothesis: The unique application of Lev ...

Do they really value your privacy?

An exploratory analysis of what can be learned about companies from their privacy statements

This master thesis explores to what degree information about a company's commitment to privacy can be extracted from a privacy statement. To do this, firstly a new database of more than 1500 privacy statements is created using Amazon Mechanical Turk. Next, 72 different aspects re ...

Towards the Adoption of EU General Data Protection Regulation

An Empirical Study of Businesses’ Perception on Privacy and Data Protection

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) is about to come in force in May 2018. It poses new queries for both policymakers and businesses. Policymakers want o know how effective the new EU GDPR will be while the businesses would like to know how the EU GDPR should be i ...

The adoption and diffusion of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

The factors that drive and impede the adoption and diffusion of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies of private communication and data storage

Privacy and security are perceived as of great importance. However, readily available Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and their development, innovation and standardization is not very forthcoming. Indeed, the dominant business model is privacy invasive: gathering and using ...

Improving trust in cloud computing

A framework that incorporates the factors that influence trust in cloud services

One of the key challenges of adopting cloud computing is related to trust. Trust is necessary for effective collaboration between customers and providers and reducing transaction costs, however, in practice this trust is often lacking. From the scientific literature, it becomes c ...

Polarization in the Netherlands

System dynamics and data science to get a deeper understanding of public opinions in social groups

The Netherlands is becoming increasingly diverse, amongst other things, due to ethnicity, religion, and urbanity. These diverse societies cluster in districts all across the Netherlands. There is an increase in tension between social groups, especially between people with and wit ...

Multiparty Computation

The effect of multiparty computation on firms' willingness to contribute protected data

Organizations share data for collective purposes: new opportunities are created to allow business enhancement. While new businesses contribute to economic development, valid reasons exist to inhibit data sharing (e.g. citizen privacy and sensitive information). Multi Party comput ...

Road-user participation in vehicle-data sharing systems

For the purpose of dynamic traffic management

This study aims to provide insight into how factors relating to privacy and incentives influence people's willingness to participate in sharing their vehicle based sensing data with governmental parties for the purposes of improved dynamic traffic management in the Netherlands. T ...

Investigating Target Selection and Financial Impact of Service Fraud

An empirical research into criminal activities on underground markets and their implications for businesses

A portion of the digital fraud occurring on the dark web comprises the illegal exchange of vouchers, coupons, and stolen accounts, defined in this research as service fraud. Despite its existence, this type of fraud had not been previously explored. This thesis employs a quantita ...

Policy Mythology

A Case Study

What happens when we treat our policy messages more like mythology and less like rhetoric? How can we even begin to structure policy as a mythology? What is a myth anyway? This thesis endeavors to explore the mysterious world of stories, through an extensive literature review of ...

Personal privacy in Practice

Putting the GDPR to test in a collective exercise of data subjects’ right of access

This research aims to identify what the customers’ acceptance is regarding various technological alternatives designed to prevent unnecessary apparel returns within the context of apparel e-commerce. This is done by applying a more qualitative approach and operationalization of t ...
In a period where digitization rapidly influences the corporate world, Cloud Computing (CC) has emerged over the past years as well. CC refers to offering hardware, software, and data by a provider over a network and can benefit organizations enormously regarding cost efficiency, ...