Martijn Caspers

44 records found


Let G be a semi-simple Lie group in the Harish-Chandra class with maximal compact subgroup K. Let ΩK be minus the radial Casimir operator. Let 1 4 dim(G/K) < SG < 1 2 dim(G/K), s ∈ (0, SG] and p ∈ (1,∞) be such that(1 p - 1 2 )< s 2SG . Then, there exists a constant C ...

Graph product Khintchine inequalities and Hecke C*-algebras

Haagerup inequalities, (non)simplicity, nuclearity and exactness

Graph products of groups were introduced by Green in her thesis [32]. They have an operator algebraic counterpart introduced and explored in [14]. In this paper we prove Khintchine type inequalities for general C⁎-algebraic graph products which generalize results by Ricard and Xu ...


It was first shown by D. Potapov and F. Sukochev in 2009 that Lipschitz functions are also operator-Lipschitz on Schatten class operators Sp, 1<p<∞, which is related to a conjecture by M. Krein. Their proof combined Schur multiplication, a generalisation of compo ...
Quantum random walks are the quantum analogs of classical random walks and appear to be promising tools to design fast quantum algorithms. Therefore it is important to study their time-related features and see how these differ compared to the classical case. For the discrete-time ...

Single-qubit dynamics

Determining the density matrix of a qubit in closed and open quantum systems when considering free evolution and weak measurements

Quantum technology is evolving faster than ever. Currently, all eyes are on the quantum computer, the promising computer that can solve problems which are unsolvable for regular computers. In order to understand this new technology, it is necessary to understand the qubit, the ba ...
In the field of quantum information theory, it is well-known that the purely quantum phenomenon called quantum entanglement can boost the capacity of a quantum channel, which is called the superadditivity of the capacity. Shor showed in his breakthrough paper on the equivalence o ...
In this thesis, we use a variation of a commutator technique to prove that l^p-stability is independent of p, for p greater than or equal to one, and for convolution-dominated matrices indexed by relatively separated sets in groups of polynomial growth. Moreover, from the invers ...

Quantum Markov Semigroups and the Lindblad Master Equation

A generalisation to countably infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces of the Lindblad form for generators commuting with the modular automorphism group

Quantum Markov Semigroups (QMS) describe the evolution of a quantum system by evolving a projection or density operator in time. QMS are generated by a generator obeying the well-known Lindblad equation. However, this is a difficult equation. Therefore, the r ...

In this thesis we will for a quantum Markov semi-group (Φt)t≥0 on a finite von Neumann algebra N with a trace τ , investigate the property of the semi-group being gradient-Sp for some p ∈ [1, ∞]. This property was introduced in [12] (see also [9]) and has bee ...

In 2017 Martijn Caspers, Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin published a paper which generalises the proof of Davies' 1988 paper, and thus resolves the Nazarov-Peller conjecture. The proofs of these papers have been presented in this thesis. They have been expanded with a proof that ...
Quantum computers promise an exponential speed-up over their classical counterparts for certain tasks relevant to various fields including science, technology, and finance. To unlock this potential, the technology must be scaled up and the errors at play must be reduced. As devel ...
Bell inequalities are certain probabilistic inequalities that should hold in the context of quantum measurement under assumption of a local hidden variable model. These inequalities can be violated according to the theory of quantum mechanics and have also been violated experimen ...
In 2011 Avsec showed strong solidity of the q-Gaussian algebras, building upon previous results of Houdayer and Shlyakhtenko, and Ozawa and Popa. In this work we study this result as well as the necessary literature and q-mathematics needed to replicate the proof. The literature ...

Quantum Error Correction

Decoders for the Toric Code

Quantum error correction is needed for future quantum computers. Classical error correcting codes are not suitable for this due to the nature of quantum mechanics. Therefore, new codes need to be developed. A promising candidate is the toric code, a surface code, because of its l ...

Quantum correlation matrices and Tsirelson’s problem

Previous work and three-player considerations

Tsirelson once claimed that the set of quantum correlations, defined by strategies of non-local two-player games, does not depend on which of two possible models is chosen: the tensor product model or the commuting operator model. He later came back from this claim, and the resul ...
We beginnen dit verslag met de definities van niet-commutatieve (*-)kansruimten en toestanden erop. We zullen zien dat het aantal Dyckpaden van lengte 2n, het aantal niet-kruisende paarpartities van {1,2,...,2n}, en het 2n-de moment van de halvecirkelverdeling alle gelijk zijn aa ...
Report about how Matrix Product States can be used to analyze a sub set of problems in quantum mechanics. A exact derivation is given of the Ising Model in a Transverse field and with these solutions the TEBD algorithm using Matrix Product states is validated.
We present a powerful approach for learning about uncomputability and undecidability in informationtheory. Our approach is to use automata from automata theory that have undecidable properties toconstruct channels for which an information-theoretic quantity is uncomputable or und ...
Schur multipliers are a concept from functional analysis that have various uses in mathematics. In this thesis we provide an introduction of the aforementioned Schur multipliers and the associated Schatten p-classes. We prove a number of results and introduce some concepts of fun ...
In 2005, Jordan showed how to estimate the gradient of a real-valued function with a high-dimensional domain on a quantum computer. Subsequently, in 2017, it was shown by Gilyén et al. how to do this with a different input model. They also proved optimality of their algorithm for ...