Jacques Vink
28 records found
Stadsnatuur bouwen
Naar een natuurinclusieve architectuur
De stad is niet alleen de habitat van mensen, maar ook van planten en dieren. Stadsnatuur bouwen is een pleidooi voor een natuurinclusieve, bio-receptieve architectuur die ontwerpers inspireert om de natuur een plek te ge ven in hun werk en een aanzet geeft tot een groene, biodiv
De visie gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen is tussen oktober 2020 en maart 2021 ontwikkeld in opdracht van de stuurgroep Gemeenschappelijke Voorzieningen van de TU Delft. De opdracht was de volgende: ‘het ontwikkelen van een langetermijnvisie waarmee beslissingen over de gemeensch
Anticiperen versus improviseren
Over recyclebaar bouwen en hergebruik
When the SS Normandie was launched in the early 1930s, it was one of the most famous and most luxurious ships of its time. In the end it would only serve as a passenger liner for six years. During the Second World War the US Navy appropriated it for use as a troopship. The ship w
Dash 07, The Eco House / Het ecohuis
Typologies of Space, Production and Lifestyles
DASH goes in search of the ideal eco house: from solar houses to Superuse, from Cradle-to-Cradle to support-infill systems and precise prefab-technology. This issue of DASH examines the history and the future of the sustainable home. This includes attention to families of typolog
Dash 07, The Eco House / Het ecohuis
Typologies of Space, Production and Lifestyles
DASH goes in search of the ideal eco house: from solar houses to Superuse, from Cradle-to-Cradle to support-infill systems and precise prefab-technology. This issue of DASH examines the history and the future of the sustainable home. This includes attention to families of typolog
Designed to Change
Flex-buildings are buildings which are literally designed to change. A flex-building must be able to accept different infills and its users must be able to easily adapt their surroundings.
Flexibility is defined as the capacity of a building to undergo modifications and accept c
Ontwerpen voor sociale cohesie
Anonieme ruimte beïnvloed gezondheid op een negatieve manier
This research focuses on the relationship between anonymous spaces and a lack of social cohesion. The hypothesis for this study is "By making architectural/spatial interventions that allow for privacy zones, more social cohesion is created." To investigate this hypothesis, the fo
Een stad vol verhalen
Een onderzoek naar het programma voor een nieuw gefragmenteerd museum in stadsdeel Feijenoord aan de hand van verhalen van bewoners
Het Museum van Rotterdam moest eind vorig jaar zijn deuren sluiten, omdat het te weinig bezoekers trok en het gebouw niet meer voldeed aan zijn functie. De Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur stelde daarom een alternatief voor; een Nieuwe stadsmuseale functie (NSF) die wellicht niet in éé
Capturing Wishes
Translating personal housing requirements into affordable housing for young adolescents in Rotterdam Zuid
In this paper, design principles for a co-housing project focused at young adults (18-27 years old) wishing to live in the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam Zuid are being proposed. These principles are based on literary research, reference projects, fieldwork and workshops held for student
Rethink Waste
Een onderzoek naar de fysieke en sociale verbeter mogelijkheden voor het grondstoffenstation van de Afrikaanderwijk
The Afrikaanderwijk is one of the ‘disadvantaged’ neighborhoods in Rotterdam South. 9,3 percent of the inhabitants of the Afrikaanderwijk is without work. The Afrikaander Coorparation started projects to create new jobs. Partly through the "Right to Challenge" initiative, it has
De handen van Zuid
Een onderzoek naar kansrijke combinaties om het lokaal ambachtschap in Rotterdam – Zuid (Tarwewijk) te stimuleren en bewoners, met beperkte startkwalificatie, meer perspectief te bieden om te participeren en emanciperen, zodat de veerkracht van de wijk wordt versterkt en achterstanden worden ingelopen.
Dit onderzoek beantwoordt de vraag of het terugbrengen van ambachtschap in Rotterdam-Zuid, specifiek de Tarwewijk, een positieve impuls kan geven en kan bijdragen aan (meer) werkgelegenheid en versterking van de lokale economie en de veerkracht in de wijk. De werkloosheid in Rott
Make Food Great Again
An Architectural Spatial Strategy to implement the Technological Advantages of the 4th Agricultural Revolution in the Built Environment for Reciprocal Benefit
Make Food Great Again is a prototype for the future of Urban Agriculture. Thereby its a spatial strategy to address the urgencies connected to the biochemical pollution of agricultural enterprises on the example of the Netherlands. It aims to find a solution for the burden of ult
How a cognitive and experiential understanding of the place can create new meanings for a more conscious design action
The project I propose is not the child of its time, it rejects the lexicon of current affairs (climate change, pollution, exploitation of resources) as well as that of social issues. It does not want to solve the problem of the site in which it operates, but it embraces a horizon
The Naked Island
Unveiling the Dichotomy of Productive and Romantic Territories
Land and Sea are of a very different kind. One roots people to their contexts, tying them to its borders, properties and complex systems of relations; the other suggests the possibility for limit-less, unconditional wandering, an overwhelming experience of movement, in both space
Reconnecting port-city interfaces in regions of transition
A model for the reuse and phytoremediation of port refinery sites to reconnect them to urban, ecological and social systems
Port-city interfaces have grown apart over the last few decades, resulting in a disbalance between ports and cities. This thesis focuses on finding an approach to reuse and remediate unused industrial sites in sensitive port locations while making them ready for a post-carbon era
Globalisation and global urbanisation are reshaping our world. Life in Central Places is expanding; life in remote territories is vanishing. For centuries, subsistence agriculture sustained rural communities the world over; that raison d’être has now largely vanished. Cities mine
Time-Based Architecture
Architecture Able to Withstand Changes Through Time
Architecture is by no means a timeless medium - that much became increasingly clear during the course of the 20th century. The late 1960s in particular saw research done into techniques that would allow buildings to adapt to meet the demands made by time. Often this resulted in b
Time-Based Architecture
Architecture Able to Withstand Changes Through Time
Architecture is by no means a timeless medium - that much became increasingly clear during the course of the 20th century. The late 1960s in particular saw research done into techniques that would allow buildings to adapt to meet the demands made by time. Often this resulted in b
Time-Based Architecture
Architecture Able to Withstand Changes Through Time
Architecture is by no means a timeless medium - that much became increasingly clear during the course of the 20th century. The late 1960s in particular saw research done into techniques that would allow buildings to adapt to meet the demands made by time. Often this resulted in b