
N.H. van der Blij

23 records found

Revisiting the Partial Power Processing Concept

Case Study of a 5-kW 99.11% Efficient Flyback Converter-Based Battery Charger

This article proposes an analytical methodology to evaluate the performance of the main partial power processing (PPP) architectures in terms of the improvements in the system's conversion efficiency. This analysis considers the influence of the system's voltage gain, the auxilia ...
Solid-state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the protection of low-voltage direct current microgrids. SSCBs operate in the microsecond range and employ semi-conductor devices that have strict safe operation area limits. Therefore, the design ...
Low temperature electrolysis brings the possibility of achieving the production of fuels and chemical feedstocks without any carbon footprint. Power electronic converters are vital components of future electrolyser systems in terms of overall cost and efficiency. This paper prese ...
This paper presents a protection framework for low voltage dc grids, which segments these grids into zones and tiers according to their fault current potential and provided protection. Furthermore, the technology and applications of different protection devices are examined. It i ...
Electrification of ships is one of the hot topics in the marine industry. This is due to the stringent guidelines by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) for curbing the green house gas emissions from the marine sector. In this paper, the state-space modeling approach is ...
Since the voltages and currents in dc grids do not have a natural zero-crossing, the protection of these grids is more challenging than the protection of conventional ac grids. Literature presents several unit and non-unit protection schemes that rely on communication, or knowled ...
This paper presents a steady-state model and associated power flow equations that can be applied to any dc grid. State-of-art power flow methods and two newly proposed methods are discussed and applied to the proposed steady-state model. A standardized IEEE test feeder is used to ...

Grid sense multiple access

A decentralized control algorithm for DC grids

Due to the distributed nature of future electrical power systems, decentralized control is essential for these grids. This paper shows that converters that have identical voltage thresholds switch off simultaneously even if some could have remained operational. Therefore, inadequ ...

DC Distribution Systems

Modeling, Stability, Control & Protection

Historically speaking, alternating current (ac) has been the standard for commercial electrical energy distribution. This is mainly because, in ac systems, electrical energy was easily transformed to diffierent voltages levels, increasing the efficiency of transmitting power over ...
Due to the sharp growth in the adaptation of electric vehicles (EV) in the Netherlands and the objectives of the Dutch Climate Accord is to encourage electric mobility, in the coming decades a substantial number of new EV charging facilities needs to be provided. Efficient planni ...
Scalable and robust low-voltage direct current (LVdc) distribution networks require solutions, allowing flexible power flow control and reliable short-circuit protection. In this paper, the continuous full-order large-and small-signal models of a partially rated power flow contro ...
To tackle the challenges of future distribution systems, dc is being reconsidered. However, broad adoption of dc distribution systems requires additional research into the modeling, stability, protection and control of these systems. Previous research presents modeling methods th ...

Stability of DC Distribution Systems

Analytical and Experimental Results

Constant power loads combined with low inertia form a major challenge for future distribution grids. This paper presents a state-space representation to model dc distribution systems. Two methods are discussed to analyze the (small-signal) stability of these dc distribution syste ...

The two and half minute walk

Fast charging of electric vehicles and the economic value of walkability

The number of electric vehicles in the Netherlands has sharply increased over the past decade. This has caused a need for the allocation of a substantial amount of new electric vehicle chargers around the country, which in turn has been acknowledged by a variety of legislative bo ...
Changes in distribution grids pose significant challenges with respect to the control and management of these grids. Stability and decentralized control are vital to ensure the availability and accessibility of plug-and-play dc distribution grids that are (temporarily) without co ...
Employing bipolar dc distribution systems introduces the possibility of imbalance in the system. To analyze these systems it is crucial to create novel modelling techniques. This paper presents a method to decompose dc distribution systems into symmetrical components. The present ...
Many modelling methods for the analysis of dc distribution grids only consider monopolar configurations and do not allow for mutual couplings to be taken into account. The modelling method presented in this paper aims to deal with both of these issues. A state-space approach was ...
AbstractDue to an increasing number of power generation units and load devices operating with direct current (DC) at distribution level, there is a potential benefit of leading efforts toward building a DC distribution system. However, the implementation of DC distribution system ...
Due to low inertia and constant power loads, stability is a major issue for dc distribution grids. Previous research focuses mostly on the (mathematical) analysis of the stability, but does not provide any guidelines to ensure stability. This paper presents four guidelines that e ...
Instability caused by low inertia and constant power loads is a major challenge of DC distribution grids. Previous research uses oversimplified models or does not provide general rules for stability. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to analyze the stability of DC distribution ...