P.L.J. Zitha

195 records found

This study addresses the critical challenge of excessive water production in mature oil and gas reservoirs. It focuses on the effectiveness of polymer gel injection into porous media as a solution, with an emphasis on understanding its impact at the pore scale. A step-wise Lattic ...
Recovering apparent viscosity and foam texture fields from coreflooding experiments is challenging, even with modern computed tomography (CT) scan equipment. In this work, we present an explicit expression for efficiently calculating effective foam viscosity and propose an improv ...
The understanding of the mechanisms behind foam generation and the structure of foam itself form the basis of foam-related experiments for its application in Enhanced Oil Recovery and overcoming gas injection limitations. Novel insights in this paper towards the theory of foam ge ...

A Characterization of Tight Sandstone

Effect of Clay Mineralogy on Pore-Framework

Macro-, meso-, micro-pore systems combined with clay content are critical for fluid flow behavior in tight sandstone formations. This study investigates the impact of clay mineralogy on pore systems in tight rocks. Three outcrop samples were selected based on their comparative pe ...
The microscopic structure of low-permeability tight reservoirs is complicated due to diagenetic processes that impact the pore-fluid distribution and hydraulic properties of tight rocks. As part of an ongoing study of carbon dioxide-enhanced oil and gas recovery (CO2-EOR/EGR) and ...
CO2 flow in porous media is vital for both enhanced oil recovery and underground carbon storage. For improving CO2 mobility control and thus improved reservoir sweep efficiency, Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) injection has often been applied. The effectiveness ...
A full petrographic and petrophysical characterization of tight sandstones has been conducted as part of ongoing study of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery (CO2-EOR/EGR) and CO2sequestration. The main purpose of this study is to give novel percept ...


Report on gas solubility and degassing kinetic (type C)

This report describes the activities performed within Task 1.2 “Report on gas solubility and degassing kinetic (type C)” until the end of month 40 of the REFLECT project. Two series of experiments have been carried out that assess the degassing process of type C geothermal fluids ...
Cross-linked polymer gel is widely used in the oil and gas industry to block high permeability conduits and reduce water cut. The complex nature of this fluid, especially regarding flow in porous media, makes its numerical simulation very time-consuming. This study presents an ap ...

Microscopic CO2 Injection in Tight Rocks

Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Geo-Storage

Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection has been widely used in conventional reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of CO2 injection in tight reservoirs is limited due to diagenetic processes that impact ...
Due to increased energy demand, it is vital to enhance the recovery from existing oilfields. Polymer flooding is the most frequently used chemical enhanced oil recovery (cEOR) method in field applications that increases the oil sweep and displacement efficiencies. In recent years ...
Condensate banking is a major issue in the production operations of gas condensate reservoirs. Increase in liquid saturation in the near-wellbore zone due to pressure decline below dew point, decreases well deliverability and the produced condensate-gas ratio (CGR). This paper in ...
The exsolution of gas molecules from gas–liquid mixtures plays a significant role in a wide range of applications from industrial processes such as metal casting to subsurface flow of oil or geothermal waters. This study aims to improve the understanding of the conditions under w ...
Water injection into the subsurface, inherent in improved hydrocarbon recovery and extraction of geothermal energy, often suffers from injectivity decline, even when water carries only nano-sized particles at low concentrations. This study investigates the propagation of such nan ...
Porous materials have high specific surface area and complicated morphology, which dramatically amplifies interfacially driven processes leading to complex transport behaviors. Over the past decade, significant improvements in experimental and computational tools have enabled the ...
This article describes the effects of different physico-chemical factors on formation damage caused by migration of in situ clay particles as a result of water injection into a clastic reservoir.@en
The long-term performance of the reservoir is essential in order to ensure competitive life-cycle cost of the geothermal installations. Geothermal fluids are often saturated with gasses such as CO2 and N2. With their extraction from the reservoir, pressure and temperature decreas ...
Electromagnetic (EM) heating is an emerging method for storing renewable energy, such as photovoltaic solar and wind electric power, into aquifers. We investigate how the captured energy increases the temperature of a prototypical deep aquifer for a six-month period and then to w ...
Capillary forces result in the trapping of the oleic phase in porous media even after extensive flushing with brine. Alkali-surfactant-polymer formulations drastically diminish capillary forces, whereas adding polymer to the water phase increases viscous forces, resulting in high ...
One of the main reasons for foam flooding enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is mobilizing oil left in the reservoir after primary recovery (depletion by pressure difference solely) and water flooding. However, expanding the infrastructure for certain foam EOR projects might be necessar ...