Qing Hu

10 records found


Gal/Xgal U/LDB Spectroscopic/ Stratospheric THz Observatory (GUSTO) is a NASA Explorers Mission of Opportunity that will make large scale maps of the Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud in three important interstellar lines: [CII], [OI], and [NII] at 158, 63, and 205 μm, respect ...

A full demonstration of the Fourier phase grating used as 4.7 THz local oscillator (LO) multiplexer for Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory (GUSTO) is presented in this paper, including its design, modeling, tolerance analysis, and experimental char ...

Large heterodyne receiver arrays (~100 pixel) allow astronomical instrumentations mapping more area within limited space mission lifetime. One challenge is to generate multiple local oscillator (LO) beams. Here, We succeeded in generating 81 beams at 3.86 THz by combining a re ...

Large heterodyne receiver arrays (~100 pixel) allow astronomical instrumentations to map more area within limited space mission lifetime. One challenge is to generate multiple local oscillator (LO) beams. Here, we succeeded in generating 81 beams at 3.86 THz by combining a ref ...

We report on a 4.7 THz heterodyne receiver designed for high resolution spectroscopy of the astronomically important neutral oxygen (OI) line at 4.745 THz. The receiver is based around a hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer and quantum cascade laser (QCL) local oscillator. This rec ...
We report an extensive study of the effect of an additional dielectric layer on the frequency of terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). QCLs with third-order distributed feedback structure at frequencies of 3.5 and 4.7 THz are used in our experiment. The applied dielectric laye ...

The terahertz region is of great importance for spectroscopy since many molecules have absorption fingerprints there. Frequency combs based on terahertz quantum cascade lasers feature broadband coverage and high output powers in a compact package, making them an attractive opt ...