S. Volosheniuk
6 records found
This thesis focuses on thermoelectric properties of nano-scale devices based on quantum effects. These properties involve interesting fundamental physical phenomena and can also be used for practical applications, e.g., in optimising the heat waste problem in electronics.
Heat-to-charge conversion efficiency of thermoelectric materials is closely linked to the entropy per charge carrier. Thus, magnetic materials are promising building blocks for highly efficient energy harvesters as their carrier entropy is boosted by a spin degree of freedom. In
We report multiterminal measurements in a ballistic bilayer graphene (BLG) channel, where multiple spin- and valley-degenerate quantum point contacts (QPCs) are defined by electrostatic gating. By patterning QPCs of different shapes along different crystallographic directions, we
Thermocurrent flowing through a single-molecule device contains valuable information about the quantum properties of the molecular structure and, in particular, on its electronic and phononic excitation spectra and entropy. Furthermore, accessing the thermoelectric heat-to-charge
Tunneling defects in disordered materials form spurious two-level systems which are a major source of decoherence for micro-fabricated quantum devices. For superconducting qubits, defects in tunnel barriers of submicrometer-sized Josephson junctions couple strongest to the qubit,
Shadow evaporation is commonly used to micro-fabricate the key element of superconducting qubits—the Josephson junction. However, in conventional two-angle deposition circuit topology, unwanted stray Josephson junctions are created which contribute to dielectric loss. So far, thi