M.A. Schleiss

22 records found

In this study, we take a closer look at the important issue of μ–Λ relationships in raindrop size distributions (DSDs) by conducting a systematic analysis of 20 months of data collected by disdrometers in the Netherlands. A new power-law model for representing μ–Λ relationships b ...
The Delft Measures Rain Citizen-Science programme has been running for several years in the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Within this programme, interested citizens can apply to receive a low-cost Alecto WS5500 weather station, to measure local meteorological parameters in thei ...
Radar rainfall nowcasting has mostly been applied to relatively large (often rural) domains (e.g., river basins), although rainfall nowcasting in small urban areas is expected to be more challenging. Here, we selected 80 events with high rainfall intensities (at least one 1-km ...
An experimental study aimed at identifying special rainfall regimes with the help of co-located disdrometers is performed. Eight potentially special events (i.e., four number-controlled events and four size-controlled events) are identified and examined. However, a detailed cross ...
Quantifying the magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events is key in translating climate observations to planning and engineering design. Past efforts have mostly focused on the estimation of daily extremes using gauge observations. Recent development of high-resolut ...
The raindrop size distribution (DSD) is a statistical description of the number and
size distribution of raindrops within a specified volume of air. DSDs play a central
role in radar remote sensing and are essential for understanding the scattering and
absorption of e ...
Raindrop size distributions (DSDs) play a crucial role in quantitative rainfall estimation using weather radar. Thanks to dual polarization capabilities, crucial information about the DSD in a given volume of air can be retrieved. One popular retrieval method assumes that the DSD ...
The use of spectral polarimetric filters in the range-Doppler domain shows great promise for clutter mitigation in weather radar applications. One limitation of these filters is that they cannot deal with situations in which ground clutter and precipitation overlap. In this lette ...
Commercial microwave links (CMLs) in telecommunication networks can provide relevant information for remote sensing of precipitation and other environmental variables, such as path-averaged drop size distribution, evaporation, or humidity. The CoMMon field experiment (COmmercial ...

Something fishy going on?

Evaluating the Poisson hypothesis for rainfall estimation using intervalometers: results from an experiment in Tanzania

A new type of rainfall sensor (the intervalometer), which counts the arrival of raindrops at a piezo electric element, is implemented during the Tanzanian monsoon season alongside tipping bucket rain gauges and an impact disdrometer. The aim is to test the validity of the Poisson ...
Conventionally, Micro Rain Radars (MRRs) have been used as a tool to calibrate reflectivity from weather radars, estimate the relation between rainfall rate and reflectivity, and study microphysical processes in precipitation. However, limited attention has been given to the reli ...

The accuracy of weather radar in heavy rain

A comparative study for Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden

Weather radar has become an invaluable tool for monitoring rainfall and studying its link to hydrological response. However, when it comes to accurately measuring small-scale rainfall extremes responsible for urban flooding, many challenges remain. The most important of them is t ...
The adequacy of the gamma model to describe the variability of raindrop size distributions (DSD) is studied using observations from an optical disdrometer. Model adequacy is checked using a combination of Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness-of-fit test and Kullback–Leibler divergence and ...
Spatial downscaling of rainfall fields is a challenging mathematical problem for which many different types of methods have been proposed. One popular solution consists of redistributing rainfall amounts over smaller and smaller scales by means of a discrete multiplicative random ...
For pluvial flood risk assessment in urban areas it is important to be able to calculate how often a specific area is at risk of flooding. This is especially evident in urban areas subject to contribution from multiple sources, e.g. surcharging drainage system, surface runoff, ov ...
An intervalometer is an extremely simple measurement device that measures the intervals between the impact of raindrops on a surface. In our case, we used a piezo-electric element put in a small 3D-printed holder. When a raindrop hits the surface, a voltage is generated that is d ...
Urban pluvial flooding is one of the most costly natural hazards worldwide. Risks of flooding are expected to increase in the future due to global warming and urbanization. The complexity of the involved processes and the lack of long-term field observations means that many cruci ...
A detailed analysis of how intermittency (i.e., the alternation of dry and rainy periods) modulates the rate at which sub-daily rainfall extremes depend on temperature is presented. Results show that hourly extremes tend to be predominantly controlled by peak intensity, increasin ...
A novel algorithm is put forward to separate radar target and moving clutter based on a combination of the low-rank matrix optimization (LRMO) and the decision tree. Similar to the moving object detection in the field of automated video analysis, the proposed separation method, w ...
Urban catchments are typically characterised by a more flashy nature of the hydrological response compared to natural catchments. Predicting flow changes associated with urbanisation is not straightforward, as they are influenced by interactions between impervious cover, basin si ...