C.M.H. Unal


10 records found

Radio frequency interference (RFI) has become a growing concern for weather radar, distorting radar variable estimation. By simultaneously or alternately transmitting the horizontal and vertical polarized waves, polarimetric weather radar can be referred to as SHV radar or AHV ra ...
The implementation of state-of-the-art retrieval techniques of wind vectors and turbulence intensity (EDR) will be presented. They are applied to measurements from the fast scanning X-band radar during the UFO trials at Toulouse airport. It will be demonstrated which retrievals, ...

Polarimetric X-Band weather radar

High-resolution rainfall estimation

Weather observations are conventionally performed by C-band weather radars with spatial and temporal resolution of 1 km and 5 min, respectively. However, in recent years, C-band weather radars have been upgraded from single to dual-polarimetric to improve the quality of their mea ...
Mixed phase clouds contain both ice particles and super-cooled cloud water droplets in the same volume of air. Currently, one of the main challenges is to observe and understand how ice particles grow by interacting with liquid water within the mixed-phase clouds. In the mid lati ...
Mixed phase clouds contain both ice particles and super-cooled cloud water droplets in the same volume of air. Currently, one of the main challenges is to observe and understand how ice particles grow by interacting with liquid water within the mixed-phase clouds. In the mid lati ...


A Python Summary Statistics Tool for Massive Data Analysis

In this presentation CEWE is introduced, which is a novel open source Python module with the aim of processing summary statistics for massive data sets. It is based on the addition of raw moments and a mixed moment from which regular statistics can be calculated. The novelties of ...
This paper is devoted to discussing peculiarities of W-band cloud radar calibration. After a brief overview of meteorological radar calibration methods for quantitative information retrieval, we focus on problems and their possible solutions with respect to mm-wave radar calibrat ...
An effective filtering technique is required for rainfall rate measurement by weather radar. A Jensen–Shannon distance (JSD)-based thresholding filter is proposed to mitigate nonmeteorological signals, either in clear air or rain situations. This algorithm classifies range-Dopple ...
In this paper, a new clutter suppression method, named the moving double spectral linear depolarization ratio (MDsLDR) filter, is put forward to mitigate narrow-band clutter in weather radars. The narrow-band clutter observed in the Doppler domain includes: 1) stationary clutter ...
Aiming at removing stationary and moving clutter while retaining precipitation for dual-polarization weather radar, a new clutter suppression method, named the object-orientated spectral polarimetric (OBSpol) filter, is put forward in this paper. Based on the spectral polarimetri ...


10 records found

In many countries the number of wind turbines is growing rapidly as a response to the increasing demandfor renewable energy.Modern wind turbines are large structures, many reach more than 150 meters above theground. Clusters of densely spaced wind turbines, so called wind farms, ...

Impact of solar eclipses on NO<sub>2</sub> in the Earth's atmosphere as measured from space by TROPOMI

Understanding the sensitivity of the Earth's atmospheric composition to short-term variations in sunlight

During a solar eclipse, sunlight incident on the Earth is reduced due to the (partial) shadow of the Moon. Atmospheric trace gas concentrations which are influenced by the amount of available sunlight, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), may be affected due to the disrupted photolysi ...

Peering into the Heart of Thunderstorm Clouds

Insights from Cloud Radar and Spectral Polarimetry

Lightning is a natural phenomena that can be dangerous to humans. It is however challenging to study thunderstorm clouds using direct observations since it can be dangerous to fly into thunderstorm clouds. In this study, cloud radar with millimeter wavelength is used to study the ...
Severe wind gusts associated with mid-latitude convective storms contribute to an increasing amount of natural hazard related losses in Europe. Modifications of the atmosphere associated with anthropogenic climate change are projected to increase the frequency of favorable condit ...
Oceans cover a significant part of the Earth's surface. The coupling between the upper ocean and the atmosphere is very complicated with defied theoretical understanding, while it is essential for climate studies, weather prediction, and marine ecosystems. With the advent of spac ...
Stratiform precipitation is one of the most important precipitation systems in the mid-latitudes. To gain understanding of the melting layer, which is part of a stratiform precipitating system, an algorithm which is able to select melting layer data from large datasets is require ...
The knowledge of the raindrop size distribution is key for characterizing precipitation. It is however still a challenge to retrieve it with radars. Several polarimetric and spectral techniques are proposed for cm-wavelength radars (weather radars). What about the mm-wavelength r ...
Wind is an important indicator of circulation related processes in the atmosphere. Accurate wind in- formation is used as an input for weather and circulation models. Wind data with a high temporal and spatial resolution are useful for research on the microphysics of the atmosphe ...
Mixed-phase clouds, which have a significant impact on the global climate, are complex systems where liquid water and various types of ice particles coexist at temperatures below the freezing point. A key process in mixed-phase clouds is riming which alters microphysical and scat ...