Olv Klijn

89 records found


Common Space

Sharing spaces in the context of co-housing and production in the M4H area

Sharing in the built environment is a practice that takes place on different levels. In this design and research, these different levels are explored and an ideal condition for sharing is designed in the M4H area.

Home of Art

Artists cohabitation bringing creativity back to Keilehaven.

The Home of Art aims to bring creativity back to Keilehaven, creating a direct link to the rich history of the area’s innovative, cultural, and creative aspects. The project adjoins a mixed program of living, working, creating, and producing within its building layers. The archit ...

Rhythms to encounter

Shaping social infrastructure to encourage synergies between working and living

Social infrastructure is crucial in repairing the fractured societies of today. Fragmentation of lifestyles has resulted in limited social networks between people from different backgrounds. A robust social infrastructure is critical to provide social connections and prevent fric ...

Adaptability in Architecture

Empowering influence of the user

Standardisation in dwelling architecture has led to mass housing projects to be built within a short period of time. With increasing standardisation, the needs of the actual user of the building have been lost. Adaptable housing is a way of creating a more useroriented approach w ...

A new building typology for the changing society

The usage of modular architecture and mixed buildings to aid the Dutch housing shortage

This thesis explores and analyses the usage of modular architecture and mixed buildings and their role in solving the Dutch housing crisis. The Dutch housing market is in a crisis due to various reasons that can be solved partially in the design process and partially by regulatio ...

The Future Playground

Creating a high-rise community for families

More and more people in the Netherlands want to live in the so-called Randstad. This results in a need for densification in Dutch cities. One of the solutions for this is building more high-rise residential buildings. High-rise buildings provide amazing views and house many peopl ...


Building a community amongst solo dwellers through water infrastructure

The design of BIND BY WATER promotes a new way of living in which we rethink the integration of living and bathing into one building. By reimagining the bath as a shared space, the unique timbre of the project offers a space of synthesis, vulnerability, and reconciliation, where ...

Synanthropic* Habitats

Hofjes as Thresholds for Diverse Human & Non-Human Environments

Synanthropic Habitats originates from the interdisciplinary quest on ‘how will we live together’ and the personal fascination to critically question the deeply-rooted anthropocentric binary of human (us) and nature (them). The thesis aims to establish an innovative domestic envir ...

Revisiting the Emmahuis

Designing livable architecture in a rapidly densifying Rotterdam

A financialized housing market entails systemic shortage of affordable housing. Rotterdam’s continuous increase of real estate prices is a case in point: despite its high share of social housing, today Rotterdam faces a shortage of affordable dwellings for lower income groups. Ho ...

Second Chances

Dwellings: Social and Material Reintegration

How can collective housing design encourage social inclusion? From an ecological perspective, the housing of socially disadvantaged and transformation of post-war mass housing is explored. Socially disadvantaged people such as the formerly homeless have often difficulties integra ...

More time for care

Research on urban dwelling typologies that support multiple forms of care at home

There is currently a "crisis of care" in our neoliberal capitalist society in which women are disproportionally affected and experience isolation in their homes trying to take care of their family members. For low-income households, the struggle involves balancing their time to w ...

Ecology of Living Together

Equilibrium between humans & species in the built environment

In the Advanced Housing Design Studio we explored how housing design can successfully address the challenge of reducing the ecological footprint of its residents and assure social inclusion. In this studio an emphasis was put on the housing concept of collective living. A coopera ...


Small communities for big encounters

Anonymity in cities and a lack of architectural identity are some of the social-architectural challenges of our time, with profound consequences for urban life. Not only does architecture have a major impact on how we experience cities and buildings, it also has an impact on our ...

Co-dwell the multicultural community cohabitation

Co-living and Co-working as means for cohabitation between newcomers and Dutch starters

Co-Dwell is a project that emphasizes the co-living and co-working model as means for social cohabitation between Dutch starters and newcomers in Rotterdam as a multicultural city. It concentrates on smoothening the integration process of newcomers through involvement with t ...


Solo species sharing space in central Rotterdam

How can a community of multi-generational solo dwellers and non-human species coexist near Rotterdam station today? The project “Togetherness” offers loft homes for starters, cluster apartments for middle and senior citizens, maisonettes for solo parents and habitats for bats. Co ...

NHV Academy

Handball center for innovation and education

This project elaborates on the transformation design for a professional handball academy in the former Centraal Beheer building in Apeldoorn by Herman Hertzberger. It aims to discover the possibilities and limitations of this icon of Dutch Structruralism, using three different He ...


Architecture for craftsmanship

In the future, cities will face many challenges. We need to densify our cities while at the same time preserve qualities and identities on different scales. One of these identities is that of craftsmanship and the rich industrial history of Amsterdam.
The separation between ...

Plek en Gebouw

Ontwerpen voor een circulaire economie

In de huidige maatschappij worden producten na hun levensduur als afval gezien. Er wordt met een zodanig hoge snelheid een grote hoeveelheid afval geproduceerd dat dit niet op een natuurlijke manier verwerkt kan worden. Dit resulteert in mogelijke schade voor het milieu en de gez ...

Crafting the disused

Local waste material transformation potential and integrated waste management on a decentralised scale

Waste pollution is becoming an ever increased challenge and this is even more so the case in Indonesia. Landfills are notoriously overfilled which, together with little spatial opportunity for appropriate waste storage and separation on a local scale, as well as a lack of knowled ...

Big city, tiny living

Micro-housing in central London

Graduation thesis on the implementation of micro-housing on repurposed ground in the Ladbroke Grove area, in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Central London.