Jan Sijbers
32 records found
An Open-Source Articulatable Statistical Model of the Equine Distal Limb
Most digital models of the equine distal limb that are available in the community are static and/or subject specific; hence, they have limited applications in veterinary research. In this paper, we present an articulatable model of the entire equine distal limb based on statis ...
The effect of nasal shape on the thermal conditioning of inhaled air
Using clinical tomographic data to build a large-scale statistical shape model
In times of online shopping, it is a challenge to select the right size of the desired clothing without fitting it before ordering. Therefore, this study describes three techniques to predict 3D upper body dimensions. The first method used basic personal parameters (gender, ag ...
Data reduction techniques are commonly applied to dynamic plantar pressure measurements, often prior to the measurement's analysis. In performing these data reductions, information is discarded from the measurement before it can be evaluated, leading to unkonwn consequences. I ...
For product developers that design near-body products, virtual mannequins that represent realistic body shapes, are valuable tools. With statistical shape modelling, the variability of such body shapes can be described. Shape variation captured by statistical shape models (SSM ...
This chapter presents digital human models (DHMs) as supporting tools in user-centered design for smart clothing. Smart clothing represents the new class of design era 2.0 with interactive technologies intended to be attractive, comfortable, and fit for the purpose of the iden ...
Three-dimensional quantitative analysis of healthy foot shape
A proof of concept study
Background: Foot morphology has received increasing attention from both biomechanics researches and footwear manufacturers. Usually, the morphology of the foot is quantified by 2D footprints. However, footprint quantification ignores the foot's vertical dimension and hence, do ...
SpatioTemporal Analysis of Plantar Pressure Measurements using Statistical Parametric Mapping
Pedobarography produces large sets of plantar pressure samples that are routinely subsampled (e.g. using regions of interest) or aggregated (e.g. center of pressure trajectories, peak pressure images) in order to simplify statistical analysis and provide ...
A fast algorithm for accurate and precise VFA MRI T1Mapping
Partial discreteness
A novel prior for magnetic resonance image reconstruction
An important factor influencing the quality of magnetic resonance (MR) images is the reconstruction method that is employed, and specifically, the type of prior knowledge that is exploited during reconstruction. In this work, we introduce a new type of prior knowledge, partial ...
Super-resolution T1 estimation
Quantitative high resolution T1 mapping from a set of low resolution T1-weighted images with different slice orientations
Purpose: Quantitative T1 mapping is a magnetic resonance imaging technique that estimates the spin-lattice relaxation time of tissues. Even though T1 mapping has a broad range of potential applications, it is not routinely used in clinical practice as acc ...
In quantitative MR T1 mapping, the spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of tissues is estimated from a series of T1-weighted images. As the T1 estimation is a voxel-wise estimation procedure, correct spatial alignment of the T1-weighted images is crucial. Conventionally, the T1-wei ...