E.H. Gramsbergen


4 records found

Rondom de Rotte

Herontwerp van een boezemlandschap

De inrichting van het Nederlandse landschap moet wederom op de schop. Dit keer niet om de delta door ontginning bewoonbaar te maken of door ruilverkaveling efficënter in te richten voor de landbouw, maar om het land in deze tijd van klimaatverandering en bevolkingsgroei bestendig ...

Campus utopias

A visual re-reading

“Campus Utopias: A Visual Re-reading” describes a multidisciplinary graduate course conducted collaboratively by TU Delft and METU Ankara’s Architecture Departments in 2022. The research course focused on the key urban and architectural features of selected campus projects, exami ...

Integratie van campus en stad

Samuel van Embden en de Technische Hogescholen in Delft en Eindhoven

In oktober 1970 bracht het tijdschrift Plan een themanummer uit over het wetenschappelijk onderwijs en het bouwen van universiteiten in Nederland. In het redactioneel, getiteld ‘ideologie of pragmatisme’, werden de dilemma’s geschetst waar de politiek en de ontwerpers voor staan. ...

Regels voor het bouwen aan de campus

Masterplan Tilburg University van Bauhütte

De campus van Tilburg University zal in de komende jaren een ingrijpende ruimtelijke transformatie ondergaan. De universiteit is van plan enkele verouderde gebouwen te slopen en een drietal nieuwe te bouwen. De eerste stap is de bouw van een Onderwijs- en Zelfstudiecentrum (OZC) ...


16 records found

Building Individuals

Rethinking Urban Design in light of the Digital Transition

Our world is going through several transitions at the time of writing. One of them is the digital transition. The digital transition changes the way we interact with each other, it gives us new ways to learn, new ways to work. It changes how society functions on a global scale. T ...

Organ factory

2050 Schiphol transplantation hospital

The thesis explores the site of Niuewe Meer in the context of the near future of 2050. The research deals with the new urban phenomena of airport cities - their urban qualities and the issues they pose for development of expanding city borders. On the case of a new passenger driv ...

Bring Nature Indoor

By integrating an active living wall system within a Lung Rehabilitation Center at the Marine area

Over the last couple of decades, climate change and energy crises have led to an increased interest in reducing the building energy consumption. To reduce the energy consumption buildings are designed airtight. This leads to the accumulation of indoor air pollutants, which are as ...

Envisioning the future of study places

Lessons learned from the general educational buildings at TU Delft

This thesis examines how TU Delft could adapt its study places in generic educational buildings to meet current and future demands. This research is done through a literature review and an examination of three representative cases at TU Delft and in-depth, semi-structured intervi ...


Canal du Midi – the Living Water Heritage

Canal du Midi, a revolutionary man-made waterway and trading route from the XVII century, is one of the oldest canals of Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since when 1996 (UNESCO, May 12, 2022). The waterway was initially created to strengthen the king’s power ...

The Oppositions of Kifissos

From Static Duality to Dynamic Coexistence

The aim of this thesis project is to address a highly problematic landscape in an alternative conceptual way. Instead of following a problem-solving approach, I will try to see how the way a specific site works in space and time can be related to a number of concepts. Furthermore ...


Redefining a zone of informal settlements for Ho Chi Minh City

The project has been created from a strong fascination of the author who came from the developing country in South East Asia. A rapid change of a city from urbanization and over-growing population have somehow eradicated the traditional way of living. One of the best examples is ...

Water steps

Reviving the Bagmati River in the Kathmandu Valley

The civilization and urbanization of Kathmandu Valley started with the Bagmati River but rapid urban expansion in the 21st century has brought many problems-the direct discharge of wastewater, solid waste in the river, encroachment of riverbanks by squatter settlements, and decli ...

OverHolland 18/19

Universiteit en stad

De technische universiteiten in Delft en Eindhoven waren in Nederland de eerste waarvoor na de Tweede Wereldoorlog het ‘campusmodel’ werd ingevoerd, dat wil zeggen: de ontwikkeling van de universiteit tot autonoom stadsdeel. In deze aflevering van OverHolland wordt aan deze ontwi ...

OverHolland 18/19

Universiteit en stad

De technische universiteiten in Delft en Eindhoven waren in Nederland de eerste waarvoor na de Tweede Wereldoorlog het ‘campusmodel’ werd ingevoerd, dat wil zeggen: de ontwikkeling van de universiteit tot autonoom stadsdeel. In deze aflevering van OverHolland wordt aan deze ontwi ...

Thinking about Future Challenges Through the Lens of the Past

A Radical Adaptive Reuse Strategy for the Preservation of Maritime-Industrial Heritage

On the periphery of a dike, a maritime industrial area between Alblasserdam and Kinderdijk in the Netherlands, a former windmill and ship manufacturer operated during the 19th and 20th centuries. This narrow 250-meter-long hall, known as Kloos Kinderdijk, is defined by its specta ...

Thinking about Future Challenges Through the Lens of the Past

A Radical Adaptive Reuse Strategy for the Preservation of Maritime-Industrial Heritage

On the periphery of a dike, a maritime industrial area between Alblasserdam and Kinderdijk in the Netherlands, a former windmill and ship manufacturer operated during the 19th and 20th centuries. This narrow 250-meter-long hall, known as Kloos Kinderdijk, is defined by its specta ...

Elevating the Museum Experience

The Impact of Architectural Interior Design on Visitor Engagement with an Exhibition

This study examines the relationship between design elements and how visitors perceive exhibitions to assess how architectural interior design influences visitor engagement in museums. In light of the post-pandemic spike in museum visits, the study attempts to close the inform ...

OverHolland 21

Water management and cultural heritage

OverHolland 21

Water management and cultural heritage

OverHolland 20

Architectonisch studies voor de Hollandse stad