Alla Dikhtiarenko

14 records found


We report the preparation and electrocatalytic performance of silver-containing gas diffusion electrodes (GDEs) derived from a silver coordination polymer (Ag-CP). Layer-by-layer growth of the Ag-CP onto porous supports was applied to control Ag loading. Subsequent electro-dec ...

During the last decade, the synthesis and application of metal-organic framework (MOF) nanosheets has received growing interest, showing unique performances for different technological applications. Despite the potential of this type of nanolamellar materials, the synthetic ro ...

Zeolites with DDR (Sigma-1 and ZSM-58) and CHA (SSZ-13) topology were synthesized by seed assisted and direct hydrothermal synthesis in order to investigate the effects of fast crystal growth on catalytic performance. Application of small amount of seeds (0.1% wt) significantl ...

Methanol-to-olefins process over zeolite catalysts with DDR topology

Effect of composition and structural defects on catalytic performance

A systematic study of the effect of physicochemical properties affecting catalyst deactivation, overall olefin selectivity and ethylene/propylene ratio during the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction is presented for two zeolites with the DDR topology, namely Sigma-1 and ZSM-58. ...

Three supramolecular isomers of lutetium metal-organic framework, {Lu2(H2O)4(ATA)3·4H2O}n (Lu-ATA@RT), {Lu2(H2O)2(C3H7NO)2(ATA)3}n (Lu-ATA@100), and {Lu2(C3H7NO)(ATA)3}n (Lu-ATA@150), have been obtained from the reaction of Lu(NO3)3·6H2O with 2-aminoterephthalic acid (ATA) at dif ...

Mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) comprising Matrimid and a microporous azine-linked covalent organic frameworks (ACOF-1) were prepared and tested in the separation of CO2 from an equimolar CO2/CH4 mixture. The COF-based MMMs show a more than doubl ...

C14H16N2O6, triclinic, P1 (no. 2), a = 10.0254(5) Å, b = 11.2726(6) Å, c = 13.4494(7) Å, α = 111.535(2)°, β = 92.068(2)°, γ = 102.644(2)°, V = 1368.16(13) Å3, Z = 4, Rgt(F) = 0.047, wRref(F2) = 0.133, T = 150 K.@en