J Wang

30 records found

Multimedia systems must deal with multiple data streams. Each data stream usually contains significant volume of redundant noisy data. In many real-time applications, it is essential to focus the computing resources on a relevant subset of data streams at any given time instant a ...
.Implicitacquisitionofuserpreferencesmakeslog-basedcollaborative¿lteringfavorableinpracticetoaccomplishrecommendations.Inthispaper,wefollowaformalapproachintextretrievaltore-formulatetheproblem.Basedontheclassicprobabilityrankingprinciple,weproposeaprobabilisticuser-itemrelevance ...
Abstract Most commercial television channels use video logos, which can be considered a form of visible watermark, as a declaration of intellectual property ownership. They are also used as a symbol of authorization to rebroadcast when original logos are used in conjunction with ...