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LGW Verhoef
Academic Work (84)
Abstract (2)
Book (7)
Book chapter (20)
Conference paper (34)
Journal article (11)
Report (10)
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84 records found
Virtueel boek: The challenge of Genadendal
Book (2009) -
J. Roos (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
R van Oers (author)
Technical aspects of dwellings made of Adobe in Genadendal
Book chapter (2009) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
JRH Fagan (author)
Cost 16 Improving the quality of exesting urban building envelopes
Book (2007) -
M T Andeweg van Battum (author)
S Brunoro (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
F.W.A. Koopman (author)
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Cost 16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes
Book (2007) -
F.W.A. Koopman (author)
M T Andeweg van Battum (author)
Wido Quist (author)
W.J. Quist (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Improving the quality of existing urban building envelopes Needs
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Creating Flexibility for Better use of space in Dwellings in Multi-storey Buildings
Book chapter (2007) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
The use of the artificial reef at Olinda for leisure
Conference paper (2006) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Marcel J.F. Stive (author)
M. J.F. Stive (author)
Marcel Stive (author)
Conservation of the Historical Settlement of 'Genadendal (S.A.): An integrated Project for Common Cultural Heritage
Book chapter (2006) -
J. Roos (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
Scheurbeheersing in metselwerk met CFRP-plakbewapening
Journal article (2006) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Versterken van draagconstructies
Journal article (2006) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Voor elke toepassing is een oplossing
Journal article (2005) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Conference paper (2005) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
R van Oers (author)
Genadendal (S.A.) adopted by the faculty of architecture: an integrated project for comon cultural heritage (AA)
Book chapter (2004) -
J. Roos (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
R van Oers (author)
The architecture annual 2002-2003 Delft University of Technology
Book (2004) -
J.L.H. Breen (author)
JGA Cornelissen (author)
V.J. Meyer (author)
V.J. Meijer (author)
Han Meyer (author)
Han Meijer (author)
R.J. Nottrot (author)
R van Oers (author)
K. Oosterhuis (author)
Kas Oosterhuis (author)
W Reh (author)
R.V. Ritoe (author)
J. Roos (author)
M.C. Stellingwerff (author)
M Talstra (author)
P.J. Teerds (author)
J.P. Dawson (author)
A.F. Thomsen (author)
Andre Thomsen (author)
LGW Verhoef (author)
Theo van der Voordt (author)
Theo J M van der Voordt (author)
DJM van der Voordt (author)
CJM Weeber (author)
G. Wigmans (author)
PJ van Eijk (author)
J Feuth (author)
Rob Geraedts (author)
Rob P. Geraedts (author)
Fransje Hooimeijer (author)
F.L. Hooimeijer (author)
Fransje L. Hooimeijer (author)
D.C. Kooijman (author)
BAJ Leupen (author)
P Lugt (author)
The challenges of Bryggen from an engineering perpective
Book chapter (2004) -
LGW Verhoef (author)
Historical wood structures in the Netherlands
Book chapter (2004) -
LGW Verhoef (author)