F.R. Calkoen

4 records found

Coastal science has entered a new era of data-driven research, facilitated by satellite data and cloud computing. Despite its potential, the coastal community has yet to fully capitalize on these advancements due to a lack of tailored data, tools, and models. This paper demonstra ...

Sea-level rise induced change in exposure of low-lying coastal land

Implications for coastal conservation strategies

Coastal erosion and flooding are projected to increase during the 21st century due to sea-level rise (SLR). To prevent adverse impacts of unmanaged coastal development, national organizations can apply a land protection policy, which consists of acquiring coastal land ...
Muddy coasts provide ecological habitats, supply food and form a natural coastal defence. Relative sea level rise, changing wave energy and human interventions will increase the pressure on muddy coastal zones. For sustainable coastal management it is key to obtain information on ...
Satellite remote sensing is becoming a widely used monitoring technique in coastal sciences. Yet, no benchmarking studies exist that compare the performance of popular satellite-derived shoreline mapping algorithms against standardized sets of inputs and validation data. Here we ...