B. Rattanagraikanakorn

8 records found

Advantages of commercial UAS-based services come with the disadvantage of posing third party risk (TPR) to overflown population on the ground. Especially challenging is that the imposed level of ground TPR tends to increase linearly with the density of potential customers of UAS ...
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is an emerging technology that is now gaining traction around the world. UAS operations are expected to be integrated into very-low-level rural and urban airspace via the enabling of the novel concept of unmanned traffic system (UTM). For such opera ...
Evaluating safety risk posed to third parties on the ground due to UAS impact requires a model of probability of fatality (PoF) for human. For quadrotor UAS, the existing impact models predict remarkably different PoFs. The most pessimistic is the impact model adopted by Range Co ...
Recent developments in the concept of UAS operations in urban areas have led to risk concerns of UAS collision with human. To better understand this risk, head and neck injuries due to UAS collisions have been investigated by different research teams using crash dummies. Because ...
The introduction of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) vehicles will initiate many new and unique challenges to the current operational airspace environment. Many of these challenges are researched today, and solutions are investigated. The main goal of this ongoing research is to develop ...
Understanding the impact severity of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) collisions with the human body remains a challenge and is essential to the development of safe UAS operations. Complementary to performing experiments of UAS collisions with a crash dummy, a computational impact ...
Recent developments in the concept of UAS operations in urban areas have led to risk concerns of UAS collision with human. To better understand this risk, head and neck injuries due to UAS collisions have been investigated by different research teams using crash dummies. Because ...
UAS will be integrated into the airspace in the near future, but the risk of UAS collision is not well understood which hampers the development of adequate regulations and standards. As risk has two constituents: frequency and consequence, collision risk analysis of UAS operation ...