M.J. Schuurman


14 records found

Recent developments in the concept of UAS operations in urban areas have led to risk concerns of UAS collision with human. To better understand this risk, head and neck injuries due to UAS collisions have been investigated by different research teams using crash dummies. Because ...
"Air Safety Investigation – The Journey" is an introductory book that explores the world of air safety investigation. Unlike a how-to manual for investigating aviation accidents, this book focuses on the essential knowledge and mindset required to conduct a safety investigation. ...

A Paradigm Shift in Teaching Aerospace Engineering

From Campus Learners to Professional Learners – a Case Study on Online Courses in Smart Structures and Air Safety Investigation

In this paper, the transition from teaching on-campus to an online audience consisting of working professionals in an Aerospace Engineering context is described. The differences in the learner’s needs and the transition in teaching methods and style that is required from teaching ...

A global safety deficiency

False glide slope capture affecting aircraft

A serious incident occurred at Eindhoven Airport (Netherlands) in May 2013. A Boeing 737-800 performed a go-around while using the Instrument Landing System (ILS). The flight crew reported a False Glide Slope capture as the reason for the go-around. At first the occurrence report ...

Reengineering history

What can we learn from a photographed B-17 “Flying Fortress” in-flight structural failure?

Historical research is defined as the process of critical inquiry into past events to produce an accurate description and interpretation of those events. While using different information sources an attempt is made to reconstruct what happened during a certain period of time as c ...
Recent developments in the concept of UAS operations in urban areas have led to risk concerns of UAS collision with human. To better understand this risk, head and neck injuries due to UAS collisions have been investigated by different research teams using crash dummies. Because ...

Increasing Bloom’s Hierarchical Learning in Aerospace Engineering

A Case Study of Forensic Engineering Course using a “Chain of Events”

Understanding the impact severity of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) collisions with the human body remains a challenge and is essential to the development of safe UAS operations. Complementary to performing experiments of UAS collisions with a crash dummy, a computational impact ...
When teaching Engineering to students it is important that we not only teach about how to engineer new things but also look at the failures and performance problems from an engineering point-of-view. The field that studies this part of engineering is known as Forensic Engineering ...
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology has an active learning philosophy which is embedded in its curriculum. The first year project Design and Construction is run in the second semester. The course aims to provide “hands-on” experience to stud ...
With the rising number of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) flying in the sky, an increase in collisions with manned aircraft seems inevitable. Since these devices are permitted to operate in airspace which they share with rotorcraft, a helicopter is certainly not retained from the r ...
This year, 2020, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands celebrates its 80th birthday. This paper describes the history of the department since its founding in early 1940, just before the start of World War II in the Netherlands, ...
UAS will be integrated into the airspace in the near future, but the risk of UAS collision is not well understood which hampers the development of adequate regulations and standards. As risk has two constituents: frequency and consequence, collision risk analysis of UAS operation ...
Today’s aircraft are equipped with multiple sensors, which monitor the integrity of aircraft systems and support predictive maintenance to increase aircraft operability and safety. Although the tires are only functional in a small time frame during flight, tire failures can have ...


6 records found

The aerospace industry and TU Delft have set stringent climate goals for themselves and with each passing year, these goals seem all the more implausible. While sustainability in the aerospace industry is envisioned as futuristic, circular, net-zero aircraft, the change rarely co ...
With increasing usage of fibre-reinforced composites for structural components across the automotive and aerospace industry, it became crucial to understand how this kind of materials behave when subjected to high loading rates, which are encountered in the case of crash events. ...
The thought of being secure has been on the minds of people throughout history. Security is the protection against intended incidents. Intended incidents happen due to a result of a deliberate and planned act. Security systems are implemented in order to set up security precautio ...
Using a data-driven approach, a heterogeneous populated agent-based model of an airport security checkpoint is calibrated and validated. It is found that average performance using the model can be replicated to a sufficient degree. The heterogenous population could become useful ...
Due to an exponential growth in the number of shipments of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), the amount of these devices operating in the sky has increased remarkably over the last few years. This led to an increasing number of proximity incidents with manned aircraft. Since these d ...
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is an emerging technology that is now gaining traction around the world. UAS operations are expected to be integrated into very-low-level rural and urban airspace via the enabling of the novel concept of unmanned traffic system (UTM). For such opera ...