39 records found
A novel framework to study unsteady microfluidic flows
Abstract: In microscopic particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV), correlation averaging over multiple frames is often required, leading to a loss in temporal resolution, therefore limiting the measurement accuracy for unsteady flows. Here, we present a new PIV method suitable to s
Optical tweezers-based velocimetry
A method to measure microscale unsteady flows
Abstract: In the study of micro-scale biological flows, velocimetry methods based on passive tracers, such as micro-PIV and micro-PTV, are well established to characterize steady flows. However, these methods become inappropriate for measuring unsteady flows of small amplitude ...
Artificial cell membranes interfaced with optical tweezers
A versatile microfluidics platform for nanomanipulation and mechanical characterization
Cell lipid membranes are the site of vital biological processes, such as motility, trafficking, and sensing, many of which involve mechanical forces. Elucidating the interplay between such bioprocesses and mechanical forces requires the use of tools that apply and measure pico ...
Design & Fabrication of a Programmable Microfluidic Device
On the principles of hydrodynamically driven microfluidics
This study presents the development of a pro grammable microfluidic device designed for precise hydrodynamic manipulation of particles and fluids. Utilising femtosecond laser ablation and cold oxygen plasma bonding, the device features highly accurate microfluidic inlets with
Motility of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at different temperatures
The universe in a droplet
Algae remains a focal point of scientific inquiry with its wide-ranging environmental, health, and energy applications. Among model organisms, the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii holds significance, particularly in light of its responsiveness to temperature alter
Tracking Schooling Fish in Three Dimensions
Experiments at the Rotterdam Zoo
This thesis describes methods and first analyses to study the shape and motion of a large school of approximately 2000 Harengula clupeola (false herring) in three-dimensional space. This school of fish was present at the large-scale and publicly accessible ocean aquarium of the R
Life at low-Reynolds numbers regime is intriguing. Single motile bacteria are known to exhibit erratic behaviour; they swim in what is known as a random walk, alternating between periods of swimming straight and abrupt moments of re-orientation. Yet in dense populations, cells of
Emulsions, characterized as a metastable dispersion of one liquid into a second one in the presence of surface-active agents, have complex rheology that interests both physicists and industries. Depending on the volume fraction of the dispersed phase ($\phi$), emulsions can displ
Particle Manipulation-on-chip
Using programmable hydrodynamic forcing in a closed loop
The precise manipulation of particles and droplets is crucial to many microfluidic applications in engineering. The design of microfluidic devices is generally tailored to perform a specific task, with each specific application requiring a unique and fixed design. In this way, us
Dense suspensions can be found in various industrial and natural processes. A relatively new technique uses the principle of additive manufacturing to produce products from a wide variety of materials by printing with dense suspensions. To reach a high print quality the suspensio
Follow the beat
How follower forces explain flagellar beat
Eukaryotic cilia and flagella are some of the best conserved biological structures across species. Giventhe pressure natural selection imposes onto living beings to optimize their body plans, eukaryotic flagella have demonstrated to be an optimal organelle for propulsion at low R
Influence of rheology on the motility of microorganisms
An experimental study on the motility of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in viscoelastic fluids
Flagellar locomotion is one of the first forms of locomotion on our planet. Microorganisms use their flagella to reorientate or generate movement in search for nutrients or gradients in light intensity. These microscopic swimmers are able to adapt their swimming gait to the circu
The coalescence of two droplets suspended in a viscous fluid is the focus of this study. When two droplets that are suspended in a shearing flow come in contact with each other, it is currently uncertain if the contact would result in coalescence. To be able to make such predicti
Optical Tweezers Tensiometry
Pushing the boundaries
The interfacial tension is a fundamental property of liquid-liquid systems and governs the mixing potential of two immiscible fluids. For two fluids to form a stable mixture, their interfacial tension needs to be very low. Applications of systems with a low interfacial tension fi
Experimental Investigation of Ciliary Flow with C. reinhardtii
Hydrodynamics, Ultrastructure, and Ciliary difference
The microscopicworld is surprisingly busywith swimming micro-organisms. In a droplet of pondwater, there can be tens of thousands of microbes. They are predators and preys, producers and consumers, and they formthe bottom levels of the ecology of our world. The swimming micro-org
The progress made by microfabrication technologies has escalated the interest in particle manipulation on micron scale. Particles are not only limited to solid particles but also include cells, droplets and bubbles. Activities involved in manipulation are trapping, sorting, separ
Considering the abundance of viscoelastic fluids in nature, growing attention has been received for the study of microorganisms in viscoelastic fluids. In Newtonian fluids, the flow of microorganisms is governed by the viscosity alone. But in viscoelastic fluids, the addition of
On the dynamics of C. reinhardtii subject to external periodic flows
A model system for synchronization in biology
Synchronization of oscillators is an ubiquitous phenomenon that involves mechanical systems, like pendulum clocks, but also biological systems, like peacemaker cells in the heart or neural activity in the brain. If we consider biological systems at the microscale, namely at the s
The environment in which microscopic organisms live in is dominated by viscous forces because of their small length scales. Inertial forces are of little use to them in their propulsion mechanisms. As a consequence of this, an organism such as the scallop which moves through time
The interest in manipulating particles, droplets and bubbles have garnered significant attention in recent years, owing to the advantages offered by micro-fluidics and the advancement in micro-fabrication technologies. These manipulation activities have found its applications in