Eric Verschuur

848 records found


Tackling the weathering with low ranks

Handling the complex near surface of land seismic data with low-rank-based methods

Imaging and inversion with seismic data recorded with sources and receivers at the surface are powerful tools to infer knowledge about the subsurface. However, creating an image with seismic data is unfortunately not as easy as taking a picture with a smartphone. The estimated su ...

A research and production geothermal project on the TU Delft campus

Initial modeling and establishment of a digital twin

Nearly half of the Netherlands’ natural gas consump tion is allocated to heating, with direct -use geothermal heating being one of the available low-carbon energy solutions. A geothermal well doublet, designed with the two primary aims of research and commercial heat supply, is c ...

Focal deblending

Marine data processing experiences

In contrast to conventional acquisition practices, simultaneous source acquisition allows for overlapping wavefields to be recorded. Relaxing the shot schedule in this manner has certain advantages, such as allowing for faster acquisition and/or denser shot sampling. This flex ...

Microseismic event detection and localization

A migration-based and machine-learning approach using full waveforms

When humans started started exploiting the abundant underground natural resources the Earth has to offer such as hydrocarbons, minerals and heat, we started to experience earthquakes that are related to this exploitation, so called induced earthquakes. Under certain conditions th ...

In seismic exploration methods, imperfect spatial sampling at the surface causes a lack of illumination at the target in the subsurface. The hampered image quality at the target area of interest causes uncertainties in reservoir monitoring and production, which can have a subs ...

Operator-Based Modeling and Inversion

An Operator Approach to the Forward and Inverse Scattering Problems

The seismic method has many applications. It is important in the critical sector of energy. Besides being used in imaging oil and gas reservoirs, it is also utilized in other sectors of energy such as geothermal energy exploration and development. It also plays a role in extracti ...

Research note

Inverse propagation in 1.5-dimensional amplitude-versus-offset joint migration inversion

The state-of-the-art joint migration inversion faces the so-called amplitude-versus-offset challenge, due to adopting over-simplified one-way propagation, reflection and transmission operators to avoid over-parameterization in the inversion process. To overcome this challenge, ...

Seismic inversion with deep learning

A proposal for litho-type classification

This article investigates bypassing the inversion steps involved in a standard litho-type classification pipeline and performing the litho-type classification directly from imaged seismic data. We consider a set of deep learning methods that map the seismic data directly into lit ...

The conventional time-lapse processing workflow is usually sensitive to the non-repeatable uncertainties between different vintages caused by noise, acquisition designs and independent processing. Therefore, in order to reduce these non-repeatable uncertainties, all the datase ...

Training deep networks with only synthetic data

Deep-learning-based near-offset reconstruction for (closed-loop) surface-related multiple estimation on shallow-water field data

Accurate removal of surface-related multiples remains a challenge in shallow-water cases. One reason is that the success of surface-related multiple estimation (SRME)-related algorithms is sensitive to the quality of the near-offset reconstruction. When it comes to a larger mi ...

Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

And Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved w ...

Joint migration inversion

Features and challenges

Joint migration inversion is a recently proposed technology, accommodating velocity model building and seismic migration in one integrated process. Different from the widely accepted full waveform inversion technology, it uses imaging parameters, i.e. velocities and reflectivitie ...

Optimising marine seismic acquisition

Source encoding in blended acquisition and target-oriented acquisition geometry optimisation

Seismic data acquisition is a trade-off between cost and data quality subject to operational constraints. Due to budget limitations, 3D seismic acquisition usually does not have a dense spatial sampling in all dimensions. This causes artefacts in the processed images, velocity mo ...
Since the Earth is predominately anisotropic, the anisotropy of the medium needs to be included in seismic imaging to avoid mispositioning of reflectors and unfocused images. Deriving accurate anisotropic velocities from the seismic reflection measurements is a highly nonlinear a ...

Target-level waveform inversion

A prospective application of the convolution-type representation for the acoustic wavefield

Nowadays, full-waveform inversion, based on fitting the measured surface data with modelled data, has become the preferred approach to recover detailed physical parameters from the subsurface. However, its application is computationally expensive for large inversion domains. Furt ...

Research Note

Near-surface layer replacement for sparse data: Is interpolation needed?

Near-surface problem is a common challenge faced by land seismic data processing, where often, due to near-surface anomalies, events of interest are obscured. One method to handle this challenge is near-surface layer replacement, which is a wavefield reconstruction process based ...

Joint migration inversion

Simultaneous determination of velocity fields and depth images using all orders of scattering

The future in seismic exploration and seismic monitoring is the inclusion of all orders of scattering in the imaging and inversionalgorithms. Using the full wavefield in an inversion process allows us to surpass imprints provided by incomplete acquisition and provide more accurat ...


Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

And Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved w ...

Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

And Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved w ...

Application of Green's Functions to Self-Gravitating and Rotating Planets

And Modelling the Gravitational Field of the Earth

A model is designed for solving gravitational profiles of self-gravitating and rotating planets via the use of Poisson's equation for total gravity, i.e., the sum of the gravitational and rotational potential. Poisson's equation is a partial differential equation that is solved w ...